This author really got tired of trying to find Hope quotes. lol

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T.K. felt a blush spread all throughout his body, and he knew Ephram could see it. And honestly? He wasn't trying to hide it anymore, "I'd love to go on a date with you, Ephram." 

Uri all but squealed, and took a victory lap around the office, pumping his little fists in the air. "I AM VICTORIOUS!"

Both older boys couldn't help but laugh at his antics. After a moment, Ephram's eyes landed on T.K. and he couldn't quite place what emotion they held. "Well, now I have work to do...I'll be honest, I was expecting a little hesitation before you said yes." 

"Not this time," T.K. smiled in return, momentarily catching sight of Patamon mimicking Uri's victory lap in the digital space. "You just call me when you decide where we're going, okay?"

"I'll make sure he doesn't chicken out, T.K." Uri did a little salute that made Ephram blush furiously and T.K. laughed.

After a moment of silent stares, Ephram broke eye contact and started steering Uri towards the door. When Uri stopped fighting and stepped into the hall, Ephram gently jogged back inside and gave T.K. a shy, sweet kiss on the cheek. "Thank you for making me a happy man."

T.K. felt his cheeks erupt as Ephram's words whispered gently across his face. His mind stuttered over itself, and before he could respond with anything at all Ephram jogged back out the door, hoisted Uri onto his back, and exited the building.


T.K. adjusted his hat for what felt like the umpteenth time, as he waited at the meeting spot for Ephram to arrive. Just as he started fearing for the worst, his phone went off, and glancing down at it he saw a small paragraph from Ephram.

Ephram: Sorry, Sorry, Sorry, Sorry. Please don't hate me; I'll be there. I promise I'm not standing you up--I'd be insane too. But there was just a teeny, tiny, minuscule hiccup in our original plan. It's nothing to worry about, the night just...won't be exactly as I'd planned. NBD :/

Unsure of how to respond, he's interrupted by a loud panting and two sets of footsteps on the pavement. Looking up from his phone, T.K. readied himself to call Patamon out but met a flushed and seemingly embarrassed Ephram. In his hand was a bouquet of roses--a little worse for wear--and at his side was an equally flushed Uri.

Gasping once more to catch his breath, Ephram extended the flowers to T.K. "I'm so sorry. My mom wouldn't let me go out without him--even when I told her it was a date. There just wasn't anyone else to watch him and I-" 

"Listen!" Uri puffed out in between his own steadying breaths, "I don't like it either! I thought I'd have the house to myself, but apparently, I'm not old enough to stay home alone."

After T.K. takes the roses from Ephram, and both Meyer brothers catch their breath, Ephram puts his hand on T.K.'s shoulder. A sad look filled his yellow-green eyes, "I really am sorry. I know this isn't ideal...I just couldn't leave him alone..."

T.K. felt a warmth in his heart and he found his thoughts wandering to his own relationship with his big brother. Seeing how much Ephram cared when he was with Uri made T.K.'s heart melt. T.K. felt the words slip out of his mouth before he realized, "'re cute."

Ephram's cheeks erupted and a crooked smile settled on his lips, "Oh...Thanks. But you're--"

"Obviously, he was talking to me!" Uri interrupted, causing Ephram's smile to fade ever-so-slightly. The older Meyer boy shook off his younger brother's comment with a quick glance, to which Uri held up his hands in surrender. 

"As I was saying," Ephram turned back to T.K. only removing his hand from T.K.'s shoulder to hold it out for him to take, "I've got nothing on you, Takeru. You're beautiful."

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