Hope is like the Sun...

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Izzy's face immediately flushes when he heard T.K. choke out his question. 

"I, uh, oh wow. I'm not sure how I should...Damn, I had to open my mouth didn't I? Cool. Um, so yeah, I may have-"

"Izzy! It wasn't your secret to tell..." Sora crossed her arms and stared hard at him.

Who was it? Who did he tell? Oh god...Who knows now and-

"Who else knows?" T.K. looked towards the ground and spoke in almost a whisper.

Izzy opened his mouth and shut it again, multiple time. "I just-I didn't mean to...Its just that we were talking and I couldn't not say anything. I didn't want to betray your trust but it was obvious that I knew something that I wasn't telling her-"

"Her? That means it was either Kari or Mimi-" 


Sora is interrupted by the door being flung open with reckless abandon. T.K takes his eyes off of the floor to see who slammed through the door. "Izzy! I forgot my-" 

Mimi stops short and blinks, "Oh hey guys! Waaaaaaiiiit?! Izzy!! Are we about to tell Sora?! And you didn't bother to tell me so I could be here to support T.K.?! What kind of friend are you?!"

T.K. looks between Mimi and Izzy, trying to grasp the reality of the situation. Sora stared at Izzy expectantly-a mother scolding her child to come clean.

"Actually Mimi...I..didn't tell them that you knew...I wasn't exactly supposed to tell you-" Izzy started before Mimi crossed her arms defiantly. 

"Why not?! I think this is great! I love gay guys! And plus, I'm really good at keeping secrets! But I'm upset that you guys didn't want to tell me in the first place! Why not T.K.? You just didn't want me to know-"

Sora holds up her hands to calm Mimi, who looks as though she was going to cry at the thought of being left out. "Mimi, please. You have to understand that-"

"Understand what, Sora? That T.K. doesn't consider me a friend? That we're not close enough to share secrets like this? Everybody tells you everything; I wouldn't expect you to know what this feels like!"

"Mimi, please calm down." Izzy interjected himself into the conversation. 

"No! I get it! T.K. didn't want to tell me at all!  I'll just leave! But don't worry, I'll keep my big mouth shut-"

"Mimi!" The sound of T.K. raising his voice stopped Mimi in her tracks.

 Sora nor Izzy tried to fill the silence while T.K. took a deep breath. 

"It's not that I wasn't going to tell you; I plan on telling everyone. I need  to tell everyone. But you have to realize that I am only upset that it wasn't me who told you; Izzy told you my secret. And when he wasn't exactly forthcoming about telling me that he told someone without my permission-I was nervous about who it was. I need to be the one to tell Matt, so I was afraid that Izzy had told him instead. I'm not mad you know, I just wish I got to tell you myself. "

Everyone in the room was silent.

Sora was eyeing Izzy, who was avoiding T.K.'s eye contact. 

"I've forgiven you, Izzy-just don't do it again." T.K. focused on Mimi as Izzy's face slightly relaxed. "Welcome to the club, Mimi. Just try to keep it on the down-low, please?"

Mimi smiled, "My lips are sealed." 

As T.K. smiled at his friends, Izzy wiped his forehead. "Oh thank god! I thought for sure that you were gonna still be mad at me. I thought you were never gonna trust me with anything ever again! I promise, I will not tell anyone-else, I mean. She has a power over me!"

T.K. shakes his head but suddenly stops short. He motions for everyone to be quiet. In the hallway, two sets of foot steps were headed in their direction. Sora directed all of the Digimon to remain inside the digital space.

T.K watched as all of his friends-including Mimi-waited with bated breath as the steps grew closer and closer...

Who's out there?

Oh god. I cannot tell anyone else today.

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