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Uri Meyer had gotten off of T.K.'s back a few blocks ago and was now excitedly making an effort to show T.K. some of his favorite spots around his neighborhood. For the most part, Kari had stayed silent and just enjoyed Uri's tour with a smile on her face, and that honestly drove T.K. crazy--he hated not knowing what she was thinking. 

But after another glance back at Kari and T.K., Uri swiftly started walking ahead of them--never leaving eyesight, but giving them a chance to speak. And as they closed in on the Meyer residence, Kari finally broke the silence. "He's like a tiny whirlwind, huh? Think we were like that back in the day?" 

T.K. couldn't help but smile. "I doubt we had anything on Uri. We were way too timid and Uri's just a force of nature."

The smile on his face faltered for just a second, but Kari saw it. "What's going on in that head of yours, T.K.? Wanna talk about it?"

T.K. sighed, then cast a sideways look at Kari. "I was gonna continue gushing--but about Ephram. I just thought that might be, I don't know...awkward?"

Kari called out to Uri, before stopping in her tracks. "Uri...Just wait one second, please. Don't go anywhere, okay?"

"Fine!" Uri waved her off, looking at a mural on a wall nearby. "But I'm waiting for T.K. and only T.K. okay, lady?"

Kari laughed lightly before turning back to T.K. with a serious face, "What do you mean awkward?"

T.K. sighed and broke eye contact with her, "I didn't know how you would react and--"

"Stop right there! I love you no matter what, T.K. and I'm so hurt that you didn't know that. Why wouldn't I want to hear you gush about Ephram? I always bore you with my crushes." 

"It wasn't ever personal, Kari." T.K. runs a hand through his hair with a sigh, "It's just...have you ever noticed that pretty much everyone seems to think we're gonna end up together? It's almost expected of us...and I guess it makes me feel like I'm somehow letting someone down."

Kari maintains eye contact with him for a silent moment before pulling him into a hug. T.K. instinctively wraps his arms around her as well. "Forget everyone else. It doesn't matter what they think. Or what they expect. And, don't for a second, ever think you've let me down."

"Thanks, Kari." T.K. tightened his hug for just a moment before letting go. 

And he was met with a smirk on Kari's face. "So tell me about this Ephram!" 

T.K. smiled fully for the first time in a while, and it earned one in return from Uri. "Okay...So Ephram is a force of nature in his own right...I don't know what to compare him to, but he's...wonderful. He makes me laugh and I feel like we could talk about anything--"

"Okay, okay. Enough about my brother! He's not that great." Uri interjects, grabbing hold of T.K.'s hand and pulling him onward with surprising force. "He snores sometimes...He has such weird taste in T.V. shows and he gets crazy weird if people don't show up on time! So, let's go!"

Kari and T.K. burst into laughter as they approach the Meyers' apartment complex. And before T.K. could prepare himself or even start to doubt if coming here was a good idea, his heart rate increased as Ephram rushes out of the apartment barefoot--no doubt watching from the window.

T.K.'s heart grew warm as he watched the puffy-faced older Meyer brother wrap Uri in his arms. In barely a whisper he heard Ephram speak. "You scared me half to death..."

"Sorry, Ephram. But you both were being stupid." Uri responded and Ephram choked out a laugh.

Gently T.K. cleared his throat and Ephram looked at him for the first time in a month. And underneath the puffy eyebags, T.K. felt the weight of their time apart. But instead of resentment or coldness, those chartreuse eyes mainly held concern. Worry for T.K.'s well-being above his own needs. And that nearly broke his heart.

Without thinking about what he was doing, T.K. stepped forward and wrapped Ephram in a hug, that was hesitantly returned. He held the older Meyer in his arms, unsure if he had the strength to let go. Only after a few moments of long silence did Kari interject. "Sorry to just show up unannounced but the little guy showed up to check on T.K. the same time I did. And T.K. and I needed to talk about some things, so I tagged along. I'm Kari, by the way." 

Trying to straighten his messy hair, Ephram suddenly looked embarrassed--and T.K. knew it was because of how open they had just been. Ephram cleared his throat and smiled warmly, "Completely understandable, Kari. Just please forgive the state I'm in--I've been terribly worried."

"Ephram! Tell me you ate today?" A new voice startled the group from behind them. They all turned their attention to see a rounded woman with a worn but friendly face, inspecting the group. The sandy hair, her blue eyes, and the fierceness in them seemed familiar to T.K. but he couldn't quite place it. 

"Hi, ma!" Uri ran up and hugged the woman who smiled widely at her youngest. "I don't think he has...just look at him!"

Then she turned her gaze back to Ephram. "Ephram Meyer...You're not worrying yourself sick and not eating again are you, young man?"

T.K. felt bad for the person on the other end of her stern gaze. But then she stepped forward and wrapped her arms around Ephram. "You can't keep doing this when you're down in the dumps...How about I order in? It is game night after all."

Ms. Meyer's eyes landed on T.K. for just a beat longer than Kari, but she addressed both of them with a wide smile. "I don't think we've met but you're both welcome to stay for dinner and games if you'd like. We'll get to know each other very well as I win every game."

To T.K.'s surprise, Ephram laughed loudly at his mom's antics. "Ma. You've at least heard about T.K. And this is Kari; we've only just met, but she seems like a good one. So don't get hyper-competitive and scare them away, please."

Ms. Meyer feigned shock and T.K. instantly saw where the boys got their unapologetic attitudes from. But the family's banter continued keeping him from getting lost in his thoughts. "I would never dream of it! Come on, Come on! I'll place the order now. Is anyone vegan or vegetarian?"

Kari spoke up before T.K. could and she threw him a curveball. "I can't stay, but I'm sure T.K. would love to. He was just telling me he's free tonight."

Before she can walk away, Ms. Meyer spoke again, "Please stay, I insist. What kind of mom would I be if I let you go home hungry?"

Kari smiled with such charm, that T.K. was taken aback. "I wish I could! It's just that I have dinner plans with my grandma. But I promise I'll take a raincheck! Bye guys, and have fun T.K.!"

"Fine. But you better come back another day!" Uri huffed from the doorway, "And...thanks, Kari."

 She smiled at Uri and made her exit, leaving a speechless T.K. with the Meyer family. He felt a hand on his shoulder and looked up to see Ms. Meyer. "You coming in? Or you just gonna keep giving  us the silent treatment on my porch?"

Ephram's cheeks flushed red, "My god, Ma! What are you doing?"

She smiled between T.K. and Ephram before shrugging innocently, "Just wanted to make sure you had a player two for when Uri and I cream you at every game we play tonight! That's right boys; Team Night, baby!"

She high-fived Uri and Ephram tried desperately to hide his face. "Oh no! You guys are awful when you're partnered together. Like truly unbearable..." 

She shrugged as she held the door open for everyone, "I just figured you'd want wanna team up with your boyfriend. That way you can comfort each other when you lose. But if not, I can take T.K. and interrogate him--"

"Mom!" Ephram groaned. "We're not--"

T.K burst into a full-bodied laughter and he simply couldn't help himself--he felt such warmth and acceptance in the Meyer home, even with the playful bickering--that he felt like he could just forget his troubles for a few hours. He held a playful smile on his face, "You're on Ms. Meyer! But don't go crying like Uri when we beat you."

"Rude!" Uri puffed up his chest equally as playfully. "You guys are going down! Ephram's too nice to go all out against me, so you're doomed."

Ms. Meyer couldn't contain her smile when she looked between Ephram, Uri, and T.K. "Alright. Let's do this thing! But you never answered me about the vegan or vegetarian thing. And I kinda have to know that before Uri and I obliterate you guys."

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