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"Sorry, I'm exhausted." T.K. lied through his teeth after a tough battle, just as Matt tried to pull him aside.  He shrugged out of his brother's grip. "We'll talk later. Promise."

He rushed a wave at Matt and all but ran in the opposite direction of his brother, who just cocked an eyebrow. Definitely not doing that right now. 

His phone pinged in his pocket, and he sighed as he reached for it. Readying himself for a tangent from Matt, T.K. was surprised when he saw a single message from Ephram. 

Ephram: Tonight was a bit unconventional...but still not the worst date I've ever had. I hope whatever secret mission you had to run off to do wasn't too stressful. And just wanted to say thanks for putting up with Uri crashing.

T.K. smiled to himself, slowing to a stop, as he tapped out an answer to Ephram. 

Uri is always welcome--well not always but you know what I mean.

The smile on his face faded away as he felt a hand on his shoulder.  Suddenly T.K. is face-to-face with his brother. Worry is clear on Matt's face, but T.K. still takes a step back. Matt glanced down at T.K.'s phone and sighed, "What are you hiding, kid?"

A chill ran down T.K's spine, and he slid his phone into the safety of his pocket. "What are you talking about? I'm just tired."

Matt stared him down for what felt like forever before breaking eye contact, sighing, and taking a step back. "Is this about"

T.K. felt slightly paralyzed as there was no clear exit from this conversation--it was just him and Matt. The brothers started walking in silence, T.K. planning his next course of action, but he's interrupted by Matt taking control of the conversation. "We're really not gonna talk about it?"

"Why would we?" T.K. asked, his tone sharper than usual. "We've never talked about any other dates before."

Matt seemed a little hurt by T.K.'s defensiveness, but he didn't care. This was not the place or time that T.K. was going to come out to Matt.

 It just wasn't. 

"T.K., really?" Matt tried his best to catch T.K.'s eyes, but he actively chose to avoid eye contact with his older brother. "You're not gonna give me anything?"

"There is nothing to give, Matt!" T.K. flushed with frustration and embarrassment--no matter how hard he tried he just wasn't ready to come out to his older brother. "Please, just leave it. When I'm ready, we'll talk..." 

Looking less angry than T.K. thought he'd be and way more hurt, Matt cleared his throat and looked away. "Yeah...Sure. My bad." 

And then without another word, Matt walked away from T.K., leaving him with his thoughts.


T.K.'s phone pinged again, but he threw it across the bed, focusing on Patamon.

His digital partner looked at him and frowned, "You're still ignoring Ephram, T.K.? He's probably so worried about you...I'm fine-"

"Stop," T.K. said, opening his arms to Patamon who hesitantly entered his embrace. "You're my first priority right now."

"You can't put your life on hold because I've been infected." Patamon nuzzled him briefly, "I told you it was okay. I'm okay. You can go see-"

"But it isn't okay!" T.K. laid back, curling up with Patamon still in his arms. "If I go out and I lose you...No...I can't lose you again, Patamon."

"But you're giving up your life for me...I'm never going to forgive myself if you shut everyone out--especially, a certain boy who's good for you."

"Patamon, I--" He's interrupted by an insistent knock on his door. Patamon fights against his grip and when he's released, he disappears into the digital space. 

T.K. stares at his partner who just shakes his head and responds in a firm voice, "Answer it. Please? For me."

T.K. stands up and adjusts his baggy pajamas to look a little more presentable for whoever was at his house. Slowly, he walks to the door and opens it. At first, he doesn't see anyone, until a tiny throat is cleared. "Wow...You look like shit, T.K."

Glancing down T.K. is met with Uri at his front door--and despite everything he'd been going through, a small laugh escaped his throat at how blunt the younger Meyer brother was. But then the sadness hit him again as he waited for Ephram to show his face.

"It's just me," Uri said after it must have become apparent he was waiting for Ephram. "Ephram wants us to give you your space...but honestly? He's worried about you...I guess we both are."

T.K. felt a tinge of guilt and even more sadness. "Sorry Uri...A friend of mine is...really sick."

Uri glanced at the room in shambles behind T.K., what looked like understanding and fear showing on his face, and then back at the blond. "Are they gonna be okay?"  

"I...I don't know." T.K. struggled to find words.

"Sorry to hear that...Are you? Gonna be okay I mean?"

"I'm gonna try," T.K. said, but Uri still looked worried. "Hey, Uri. What's wrong?"

There is a brief moment of silence before Uri's eyes start to tear up and he began rambling, "Sorry, T.K.! I know you said that you haven't been around because of a friend, but I can't help but worry! I can't sleep and it hurts my heart."

"Aw...Uri? What is it, bud?" T.K. felt his heart breaking more as Ephram's younger brother broke down on his porch. 

"I'm so worried about you! And scared! Scared that things went bad when you came out to your brother! That he didn't like that you're gay! Didn't want you talking to Ephram again! Or the worst thought I've had is, 'What if T.K. doesn't love Ephram anymore?!' And what if it's my fault?! Did I say something wrong? Did I ruin it by being on the date? Did I make you not love my brother anymore?! Was it me or--"

The sobbing Uri is interrupted by T.K. embracing him in a tight hug. He held onto Uri, making sure that he felt seen and more importantly, safe. He rubbed Uri's hair gently, trying to calm him down. 

After a few moments, Uri's breathing steadied. His face was still slick with tears, but Uri wasn't sobbing anymore and that was enough for T.K. He pulled back and looked Uri in the eyes, "Listen to me, Uri Meyer. And listen well."

Uri wiped his nose but kept eye contact, eliciting a small, warm smile from T.K. "What?"

"None of those bad things happened, okay? I still haven't come out to Matt, and I definitely didn't stop liking Ephram--I like your brother so much it hurts sometimes. But most importantly, nothing is your fault, okay? You didn't do anything wrong. And I'm sorry if you've ever felt like it was."

"...Thanks., T.K..." Uri rubbed his eyes and tried to put on a brave face. Then the boy seemed to remember something. He reached into his pocket and pulled out some tissues. 

T.K. accepted as Uri extended one to him as well. Wiping tears that had formed on his own cheeks, T.K. laughed. "You always this prepared?" 

Uri shook his head. "That was all Ephram...He worries a lot. And not just about me."

"I know..." T.K. shook his head, "I'm a total d-bag for not answering him, but I just can' up right now."

"Okay," Uri said, tossing the tissues into the small trashcan T.K. had in his entranceway. "But Ephram is here if you need him."

"Ephram sounds like a lovely guy," A familiar voice spoke from the right of Uri, and T.K. froze. He waited with bated breath as the owner walked into view. Then T.K.'s eyes met Kari's, and just like that, he was, apparently,  out to her as well.

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