Hope is the thing with feathers...

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"Hey!" Ephram answered T.K.'s call on the first ring, "I am almost done, then I will be on my way."

"Look, about today's concert," T.K. spoke, turning away from Matt, "it may be cancelled."

There is a moment of silence on the other end, before Ephram sighs, a tinge of hurt appearing in his voice. "Fine. It wasn't like I had this planned all week; you did just invite me about an hour ago..."

"Sorry about that," T.K. spoke, hoping the hurt stayed out of his own voice. The last thing he wanted to do was let Matt know how much he didn't want to cancel on the person on the other end. But he also didn't want to jerk Ephram around, "Catch you later."

"Your girlfriend?" Matt asked from behind T.K. who turned around with a smile on his face. If only he knew...

"Don't worry, I still love you the most." Hopefully that diversion would keep Matt from asking anymore questions about Ephram at a moment like this. T.K. took the chance to call his other friends and tell them what he had told Ephram-with less apologies of course.

"Don't be stupid." Matt responded, grabbing his own phone and attempting to call someone. A moment later he lowered the phone, "Tai didn't answer."

"He did have a game..Maybe he's playing right now?" T.K. attempted as the other end of his call clicked to life, "Hey!"

"Hello? About the concert..." He started hoping that he could find someway to stop Kuwagamon from destroying the city. After all, cancelling on Ephram had better not have been for nothing.


After things fell through with Ephram because of Kuwagamon's attack, T.K. tried to make it up to him. But every time he called Ephram, the phone was busy. 

"Who do you keep calling, T.K.?" Patamon asked as T.K. hung up with a defeated sigh on one of these occasions. 

He felt as his cheeks reddened. T.K. turned away from his digital partner, "No one...Lets just get ready to go see Izzy, okay?"

When T.K. turned back to look at his partner with a falsified smile, Patamon cocked his little head, but understood enough to let it go. Another reason that I love that little guy.

T.K. allowed himself a genuine smile before his phone buzzed in his hand. He looked down and saw it was a call from Ephram's number. Without another thought, his phone was to his ear. "Hello?"

"Hiya T.K.!" A voice much younger then Ephram's rang through the phone. Instantly, T.K. recognized that it belonged to Uri, the younger Meyer brother. 

"Uri? Hey. So, uh, where is Ephram?" He couldn't help but worry, "Please tell me everything is alright?"

 "Oh yeah. He's just in the shower right now. So that means we gotta do this quick." The young boy spoke, growing more excited with each word. 

"Do what quick?"

"Okay, so Ephram thinks that you cancelled because you felt like he was rushing you to tell your brother. And so, he thinks that he is helping you more by not answering your calls. But he doesn't know that he's stupid. I know that you like him, and he likes you."

"That much was already discussed...But what do we do about it?"

Am I really conspiring with his little brother? What has Ephram done to me?

"I am making him take me out tonight! So if you can, you should come? And you guys can meet by 'accident!' It works in the movies!" Uri practically screeches with happiness.

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