↬ | chapter twenty-seven

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   Maggie hid behind the door as Lee brought Jasper in, a pair of handcuffs making it seem as though the guard had caught him. She had been simply waiting the perfect chance to start shooting, but it was risky.

   All of her friends lined the walls with their arms strung over their heads, and even people from back home, at Camp Jaha were in the room as well. Looking across the way, seeing her sister unconscious, a complete wreck, was enough to make her get a move on.

   Aiming the tip of her pistol through the slightly-opened door, she pointed it towards the head of one of the guards. After all, they were the ones with the guns; if they were dead, that meant she could easily eliminate the doctors that were surrounding a table in the middle of the room. And Cage Wallace.

   Especially Cage Wallace. 

   This had to be done carefully; she needed to think it through. Would they all shoot at her, or would they just string her up like the rest of them? Stained blood on her face and clothes, and them knowing she was the sky people's inside woman didn't help her case, not to mention. With her next few moves, they had to be quick, or she'd be killed before she even saw her people get free. Either way, it didn't seem like she'd particularly have a good outcome, no matter what she chose to do.

   But, in true Magnolia Gray fashion, she didn't care.

   She couldn't give two flying fucks what happened to her, really.

   So, she pulled the trigger. The unnamed man's body fell limply to the floor, and she was grateful for being a good shot, as well as the ammunition Vincent had so generously gifted her as one of his final heroic acts.

   Hurrying into the room, her eyes ran across all of the guards, and she took no hesitation in shooting two more. Unfortunately for her, there was more than anticipated; more than six, that she knew for damn sure.

   As she had expected to happen, all of the other guards instinctively pulled out their weapons, awaiting the presidents command on how to follow through. "So... you're the inside man I've been hearing all about," the man, wearing a tweed suit spoke out amongst everyone else, "Or should I say woman. What the hell do you think you're doing?"

   "What Andrea would've done, you murderous piece of shit," the remark flew out of her mouth before she could even catch herself, but the girl took it as a win when Cage's face paled. Never did he expect anyone, specifically a random girl he had never come face to face with, to state the name of his sister, the darkest secret that he kept locked up for nobody to ever talk about.

   "Sir, should we—"

   "Don't shoot," Wallace held a hand up, silencing the nameless man temporarily, "I'm interested, before I kill you and drain you of your bone marrow. You're young— why would you come in here, knowing you're not gonna come out alive? I could shoot you right now. Easy."

   "Wouldn't you want to see me suffer, before I face a painful death?" Magnolia countered smartly, scowl plastered on her face, "I mean— I escaped this mountain and was able to get back in, thanks to your father. I killed Lovejoy, I killed Tsing, I killed Pierce, I'm responsible for your little acid fog plan turning to shit. I caused you a lot of inconvenience that I haven't even listed off yet. Wouldn't it be satisfying for these guys to get their justice?" she gestured her hand towards all of the guards, who were listening intently on the teenager.

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