↬ | chapter twelve

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   As an army of Grounders chanted from a distance, Maggie wondered if war was really what was the best outcome. 

   It was a tricky spot to be put in, really. She had come to understand over time that sacrificing the few to save the many was the most noble thing to do. But it was Finn— one of the hundred. He was one of her people; just like those kids at Mount Weather that she was so set on rescuing.

   "They're trying to scare us," Bellamy announced to everyone in the surrounding area, which was obvious to him and Maggie, who were more acquainted and adapted to the ways of their people.

   As Abby and Clarke ventured towards the entrance to the camp, Bellamy and Magnolia trailed behind. "Open the gate!" the chancellor ordered, making her way so she was just a few feet away from the men on horses stationed just outside of their walls.

   The eighteen-year-old couldn't quite hear the exchange between Ms. Griffin and the men, but when a blaring horn was blown, the two drew back coolly. "Watch the woods. Watch for movement!"

   Gray looked through the scope of her rifle, scanning the area. "Bellamy, Maggie," Clarke then muttered, apparently noticing something from far away.

   With hands in the air, an innocent voice called out to the camp, "Don't shoot!"

   As the middle-aged man strolled up to the gate, Magnolia knew she recognized the features from a while ago, but the name just wasn't coming to her. But as nameless citizens spoke his name amongst themselves, it dawned on her: Marcus Kane. He was one of the renowned council members up on the Ark— he was at her hearing when her sentence was switched from stealing to stealing and attempted murder.

   "We need to close the gate," the brunette noted to Bellamy and Clarke, who were also watching as Abby spoke to Kane. "Last thing we need is a spear being thrown from the woods to start a fucking war."

   "You're right," the other girl nodded in accordance, remembering what had happened to Drew as they attempted to flee from the drop ship just a few weeks prior.

   "You can't be out in the open," Bellamy advised to Marcus as the three sauntered forward to meet up with the adults. "We need to get somewhere safe."

   Despite the serious circumstances they were in, that Maggie wasn't positive he knew of, he grinned, letting out a small laugh. "It's safe, for the moment. Come on, we need to talk. I managed to buy us a bit of time," Kane explained, specifically to Abby over the others. Truth be told, the man seemed different from how Maggie had remembered him; from what she could recollect on, he was nothing but emotionless and cocky. But then again, who on the council wasn't like that?

   "I'm gonna go find Finn," Clarke decided, leaving the two to follow Abby in hopes of hearing and getting insight to their plans.

   With her rifle battering against her hip bone as she walked with Bellamy, Magnolia dodged many through the corridors as they made their way to the room where the conversation was going down.

   "So do we just—" the freckled boy began, but the girl beside him was quick to put a finger to his lips, effectively keeping him quiet.

   Pressing her ear to the door, she attempted to try and make out any words being thrown around, but nothing could really be heard. "They're too quiet. Can't hear anything."

   "Hey, Nols—" Raven's voice seemed concerned as she met up with the two. "What's going on?"

   "Abby's talking to Kane and Jaha," Bellamy answered, causing the mechanic to nod understandingly.

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