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Clarke never returned. Whatever she had done, Maggie didn't need to think twice; she probably had escaped. Or, at the bare minimum, attempted to.
Perhaps it was irrational, but if she had the chance, of course she took it. Realistically, if the Gray girl was in the same scenario, she'd do the exact same thing.
"Hey guys, why the long faces?" the girl asked Monty and Jasper, who seemed rather downcast at the table. She was pretty sure she knew the source, but she chose to ask anyway. Taking a seat next to Monty, she eyed his waffles as they kept getting pushed around by his fork.
Jasper's glass of water lowered from his lips. "Have you seen or heard from Clarke?"
With a firm head shake indicating she hadn't, the girl wondered if she should just reveal her plan to the boys. Maggie could trust them— right?
She'd be stupid not to be able to.
If anyone in the group would understand, it'd have to be Jasper and Monty. Each of them were rather involved in what went on behind the scenes around camp at the dropship, unlike many of the other delinquents that simply did as told and stayed out of it. Monty assisted Raven in making radios— Jasper blew up the bridge. The duo knew how to kick Grounder ass, and they knew when and when not to trust their Grounder asses. So maybe, just maybe, they'd know in the back of their heads to not trust Mountain Men.
"Gray— what aren't you telling us?" Monty saw right through her like saran wrap, somehow. His words were enough to make Jasper squint, as if the action would make him see through her too.
"We can't trust these people," Magnolia blurted rather quickly and quietly. "You're not gonna wanna hear this, but you better listen. I know you don't want to, but just think? Mountain men can't be in a radiated environment— we can. Now Jasper, Monty— don't think too hard. Why do think they have us here?"
"You think they're gonna take advantage of us?" Monty seemed alarmed, not wanting to believe something of that sort. He was a good kid— a glass half-full kinda guy. Not the sort of guy that wanted to think of people keeping tabs on children just so they could kill them later.
Gray gently shrugged, her shoulders brushing against her earlobes, "Can't be positive either way. I'm just saying— it's something to think about. I'm working on earning trust; that way they won't expect me to do anything. Neither of you better say a word. To anyone."
"No problems there. You positive about this?" the youngest out of the three advised— not in a rude or ignorant manner; just unsure. "Don't pull a Clarke."
"Think back to the Ark. I was told by some of the hundred that their parents had no clue their kids were being sent down in a pod in the first place. This may not be any different. Perhaps Jaha and Dante could take some notes from one another," she proposed the idea, and with that simple wording, it made the wheels turn inside both of their brains. "People like Maya might not even know."
After all, it was logical. Insane— but still logical.
The Asian boy's focal point switched between his two friends in concern. "So what do we do?"
Jasper thought for a moment, and he didn't even need to say anything; Maggie knew he was thinking about using their Mount Weather inside man— or woman. "Maya has access to everything through her job. Maybe she can snoop around." Sure enough, she had been correct. "If Clarke's in trouble, she can find out."

𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐈𝐋𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐓 | bellamy blake¹
Fanfictionyour hands are scarred from murder, and yet i trust them completely.