↬ | chapter fourteen

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   Upon arriving at the village, large Grounder men had ordered the sky people to hand over their weapons before entering their premises. It was understandable— as long as they didn't threaten them, or anything of the sort. If one of them let out a peep, or a word, Maggie was surely going to be off and on her way. 

   Right to Mount Weather. 

   Bellamy seemed to be less thrilled with the thought, too, but nonetheless, he cooperated, placing his gun into the container after the brunette to his right. 

   One of the Grounders blocked Raven's way, the unwavering look on her face showed no signs of intimidation or fear towards his actions. Picking them off one by one, the knives and other potentially harmful objects were stacked into the metal basket. "Heda! Em klir!" he called back to his commander, and by the way all of them walked away without another word, Magnolia decided that it probably meant they were all clear to go in. 

   With a stiff nod from all three of the leaders, they continued on. Many civilians started chanting once they first saw who was amongst their commander and people. Now, not all of them could decipher what they were shouting, but by the indignant expressions on their suggested that it wasn't a sweet phrase or gesture. 

   A man stood at the head of the group, and indistinguishable words were spat out of his mouth. Standing on her tiptoes and peering over Lexa's shoulder, Maggie then realized that that very man was all sorts of beaten, senseless, "You've gotta stop it," she muttered to the blonde; Clarke knew the commander the best out of the three. None of the others had even had a one-on-one conversation with her. So if anyone had to talk some sense into her, it'd be Clarke. 

   Pressing her lips into a thin line, she did just that, speaking into the girl's ear that caused her to blurt out a phrase quickly. Sure enough, it was enough to stop the chatter.

   "The sky people march with us now," Lexa spun around, scanning the audience of people that were gathered around, watching her every movement intently. "Anyone who tries to stop that will pay with their life."

   "Warm welcome," Bellamy drawled, looking down at the eighteen-year-old beside him. With an indifferent shrug, Gray proceeded on, following the crowd without a snarky or witty remark. 

   After everything was set up, all of the people congregated to watch the— ceremony? Celebration? Funeral? "Kru kom Tondisi, raun faya, oso woda klin laundnes-de kom foutaim," Lexa spoke to the crowd. 

   "People of Tondc," Lincoln began to translate the statement, lowly under his breath, "In fire, we cleanse the pain of the past." Independently, Maggie decided that either him or Octavia had to teach her some of the foreign language. 

   A seemingly middle-aged woman, dressed in apparel very similar to Lexa's, handed the commander a blazing torch. It reflected off of her face, especially with the cloudy and grey day, causing the sky to be darker and gloomy. Much to all of their surprise, the girl held out the ignited thick stick, as opposed to setting it to burn herself. "Clarke."

   The action was enough to cause all of her friends to eye one another doubtfully, but Maggie noticed the furrow in her sister-figures brows, along with the icy glare towards Finn's body that was wrapped unappealingly. 

   Without a single word, she pulled Raven into her side, snaking an arm around her back. Her despondent chestnut eyes did what they could to thank the teenager. Maggie could sense it, even if they seemed like nothing more than an endless void of emotions. 

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