↬ | chapter eleven

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   "Sergeant Miller?" Magnolia spoke, catching up with the guard as the sun set and he marched through the corridor. 

   "Who are you?" David inquired in return, the large rifle in his possession being held limply at his side. 

   "Sorry—" she mumbled, stopping as they made it outside. "I'm Maggie. I'm a close friend of Nate's," the brunette acknowledged, and those few words were enough for the man's full attention to be on her. Any news about his son was worth his time. "I'm the girl who escaped Mount Weather, got back to Camp Jaha a few nights ago?"

   "Is my son okay?" was his first question of many, and to get what she needed, the eighteen-year-old would give him all of the answers he wished. 

   "As far as I know, yes. But to continue to do that—" she started, taking in a deep breath before dropping the bomb on him; the real reason as to why she had searched for him. "What will it take for me to become a part of the guard?"

   Instantly, his eyes rolled at the last portion of it. "You're a kid— not to mention deemed a criminal. Why the request?"

   Glancing around to see if anyone was paying any mind to their conversation, she lowered her tone so that nobody else would hear them. "Because I'm the only one who has it set as a priority to get the kids out of Mount Weather; one of the forty-six being your son."

   Intriguing— he had to admit. It wasn't a half bad way to lure him into her plan. Maggie knew exactly what she was doing, and if anything were to work, that had to. "What makes you think I have the power to do that? What makes you the best option we have to get them back?"

   She had prepared for anything. With her famous Magnolia Gray cleverness, the words she chose would be enough to change nearly anyone's opinion. Swaying Miller's dad should be a piece of cake.

   "I'm not saying you do. But I do know that you have people on our side that do have access to a rifle and a jacket that would signify my importance. You're not the only one who wants their kid back. Another thing; the chancellor has no idea of what to do to get them out of there. I have an understanding with the president there, I know the layout inside and out, I have a way back in, I've been in charge of them all from the beginning, and, I'm the only person that has solid communication with someone on the inside there," her eyes shifted towards the walkie at her waist.

   "If you screw up—"

   "Nah da da," the Gray girl interrupted. "I won't. I was a gunner back at our camp. When we went to war with Grounders, I killed nearly a dozen. Half-decent aim. I pulled a lever that killed over three hundred. I'm capable of doing this— I just need your help. Besides, I'll get it done. Believe me, the only person who wants those kids out of that murderous mountain more than anyone is me."

   Looking at their surroundings, he eventually exhaled deeply; the teenager's case was more convincing than anything that the chancellor had said from the moment he arrived on Earth. "Not a word to anyone about where or who you got the stuff from; you hear?"

   "My lips are sealed," Magnolia confirmed, shaking David's hand firmly as a way of saying they had a deal. "Besides, once this is over I'll either train to be a part of the guard, or I'll hand the shit back."


   A short while later, the two met up in a rather secluded room, where the girl was finally going to be given her things. Earlier in the day, when her and her friends returned to the camp, Maggie's weapons had been snagged, which was not something that was easy for her to go along with.

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