Coffee 14

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Baekhyun's POV

"Please fasten your seatbelts. The plane will be landing in Incheon Airport soon." the captain announced. I fasten my seatbelt and looked out the window where I can see the different shades of the skies and those fluffy cotton candy-like clouds pass by. We are now heading back to Korea from our European tour wherein we went to Italy, Spain, Portugal, France. As much as I wanted to stay and not go back, I just can't because classes will resume tomorrow. I felt the plane going faster as we land. After a few minutes, the captain announced that we could take off our seatbelts and get our belongings.

"We safely arrived to Incheon Airport, South Korea. Thank you for flying with us. Have a nice day."

I quickly stretched my arms and legs after I got out the plane. We waited for the others to come out. After Suho hyung checked that we are all out, we proceeded to the customs and other check outs in the airport so that we will be out in no time.


"Alright, you guys all go back to your homes and get plenty of rest. I'll see you all tomorrow!" Suho hyung said as he waved at us and went inside his car. We watched his car go as it disappears in the streets. We all hailed a cab and the four of us got in. We said our goodbyes to those who are left and waiting for another cab to come.

"I'm so tired!" Luhan hyung and Kyungsoo said in unison. They looked at each other and laughed while Minseok hyung was seated in the passenger seat wearing his earphones on listening to some songs in his mp3 player.

"Luhan hyung!" Kyungsoo said startling all of us, except the driver who was focused on the road. The three of us turned our heads to Kyungsoo who was about to tell something.

"What is it Kyung?" Luhan hyung asked waiting for his response.

"Did you know that Baekhyun has a rival?" Kyungsoo said and my eyes widened.

Luhan hyung's raised his eyebrow in confusion. "A rival?" he asked and Kyungsoo nodded.

"Is she a girl or a boy?" Minseok hyung asked.

"Well, she's a girl. A pretty one but she has no manners." Kyungsoo said. I face palmed myself realizing on who is Kyungsoo pertaining to.

"Yah! She isn't my rival." I said in defense. Kyungsoo only rolled his eyes. Luhan and Minseok hyung looked at each other and shrugged.

"I don't get it guys." Minseok hyung said and Luhan hyung nodded.

Kyungsoo sighed. "Well, remember when we're in Italy riding a gondola?" he asked and the two nodded remembering the time.

"We were about to go back to the hotel but someone suddenly shouted Chanyeol's name, we turned our heads to see a girl. Turns out, he's Jongin and Chanyeol's ex-girlfriend."

The two gasp and looked surprised. "How on earth did that happen?" Luhan hyung asked.

"I don't really know all the information. But Jongin and Chanyeol told us that the girl whose name is Kang Seulgi was Jongin's girlfriend before but the said girl liked Chanyeol too and the latter also liked Seulgi, in return, they started dating. But, I guess something happened. When Chanyeol saw her, he was, I don't know, angry or pissed?" Kyungsoo explained. "He even called our Baekhyun a filthy whore!"

"WHAT?!" Minseok hyung almost shouted. "Oh my gosh! I need to find her and strangle her neck to death! How dare she call our Baekhyun like that! If she ever dares to show herself to us, she'll definitely be cold and dead!" Minseok hyung said while showing his fist to us.

"No need hyung. I'm sure she will not show herself again. After all, she doesn't know where we are." I said, really didn't care whether we meet her again or not. "Besides, I'm not in a relationship with Chanyeol or something. So, there's nothing to worry about. She can have Chanyeol for all I care."

They looked at me. Their eyes saying 'Really? You mean that?' 

“You’ll never know what will happen Baekhyun. You’ll never know my dear.” Minseok hyung said as he turns himself around facing the road.


Monday came and here I am getting ready to go to school. I packed my things inside my back pack and went down the stairs to eat breakfast. I greeted my parents and my older brother a ‘good morning’ as I went on my seat and finally started eating my breakfast. I heard a knock on the door and my mom stood up rushing to open the door.

“Baekhyun, dear, someone is looking for you.” Mom said as I chew on my food.

“Who is it mom?” I asked as I gulp the remaining coffee down.

“Me.” I almost choked when I heard the familiar voice. My brother, Baekbeom patted my back as I calm myself down. Once I regain myself, I looked up to find Chanyeol smiling at me.

“What are you doing here?” I asked. “I mean, why are you here this early in the morning? We’ll see each other in school, so again, why are you here?”

“Well, Kyungsoo asked me to take you to school today.” He said.

“Oh, Kyungsoo did?” my mom asked and he nodded. “Kyungsoo is such a sweet heart.”

“Would you like to join us for breakfast?” my father offered but Chanyeol declined.

“Thank you sir, but I think it’s getting late so, we must go now. By the way, I’m Chanyeol. Please to meet you all.” He said and bowed to my brother and my parents.

“Stay safe.” My mother said as we are getting out the door.

As we got out the door. I kicked his leg and he fell in pain.

“Ow! What was that about Baek?” he asked while rubbing his leg to soothe the pain.

I crossed my arms and rolled my eyes. “Yeah, Kyungsoo asked me to take Baekhyun to school.” I imitated his voice. “Like, I’m even going to believe that Chanyeol.” I said.

“Fine fine. You got me there.” He said as he stood up. “Come on, we are going to be late to school if you’ll keep on hurting me.” He said as he held my hand and walked to school.


As we got to school, I immediately took my hand away from Chanyeol and made my way inside while he is following me. The students are looking at me while I’m walking through the hallway. I just didn’t mind them and as soon as I was inside the classroom, all of my classmates including my friends were staring at me. I went to my seat and place my bag beside it. I still felt their stares at me and it is really annoying.

“Seriously guys, what is wrong with all of you?!” I asked, somewhat irritated. Chen was about to open his mouth when our teacher came. She looked at me as she placed her things on the table.

“Mr. Byun Baekhyun, please proceed to the principal’s office now.”

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