Coffee 6

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Coffee 6: Baekhyun

After Jongin's surprise, we gathered together in the dining room to eat. Remembering what happened earlier, I can't help but to feel a bit jealous.

"You're jealous aren't you?" Chanyeol whispered. "If you would just accept me-"

"Shut up Yeollie." I whispered and gave him a glare.

His eyes widen and he eventually smiled.

"What did you just say?" He asked and put an arm on my shoulder.

"Wait... what?" I asked while trying to get rid of his arm that is resting on my shoulder. Seriously, this guy just never fails to get on my nerves. He should get an award for it.

"You just called me Yeollie!" He said and showed me his wide smile. "Guys! My Hyunnie called me Yeollie!" He cheered and everyone's attention was on him. Or rather us. And wait, MY HYUNNIE? Can I just barf right now?

"Congratulations Chanyeol! A little bit more and you'll finally have Baekhyun!" Kyungsoo said and I gave him an evil look. Gosh! This doe-eyed midget!

"So what if I addressed him as Yeollie? I address Kyungsoo as Kyungie, Soo or Baby Soo. It's no big deal guys!" I protested and clasped my hands. All of them stopped eating and looked at me boredly.


"Aish!" Kyungsoo suddenly shouted and pointed his fork at me. Jongin held his hand and took the fork. Who knows? I might get stabbed with a fork.

"That's totally different Baek! We're best friends while you and Chanyeol are not!"

"Yeah Baekhyun hyung! You're both best friends." Jongin butted in. "Oh, and one more thing, can I just be the one to call my Kyungsoo those nicknames?" He said and smiled at me.

I rolled my eyes. Here we go again. Jongin being possessive towards Kyungsoo.

After dinner, Chanyeol and Yixing hyung volunteered to do the dishes while the rest of us went towards the living room.

"What shall we do now guys?" Chen asked while rummaging through the stacks of dvds. "Uh, yah Kyungsoo! Almost all of these are boring. Like half of these are documentaries." He said and waved a dvd at us.

"Put that back Jongdae!" Kyungsoo said and was about to get up when Chanyeol and Yixing came back from the kitchen to join us.

"What're you guys doing?" Yixing asked.

"We're still deciding Xing." Kris said and laid back from the couch.

A few seconds of silence until Minseok broke it.

"Yah! Let's confess!" Minseok suggested as he showed his plump cheeks.

"Confess?" I asked.

Minseok nodded. "It's like a truth or dare game but without any dare. The thing is, when the bottle points at you, you must confess something. Something that is totally shocking."

"That seems to be a good idea." Jongin said and all of us agreed. We formed a big circle with a bottle on the center which Tao got it from nowhere. Kyungsoo and Tao sat on either of my sides while Jongin and Chanyeol are sitting across from us.

"Let's start!" Junmyeon said and spin the bottle which ended up pointing at Chen.

"Aish! Why am I even the first one?" He complained. "Fine, I'll confess something."

All of us focused our attention to him and anticipated to what he's going to say.

"Do you remember what happened to me last week?" He asked and we all nodded. He got diarrhea and we don't even know the reason why. He doesn't even want to talk anything about it. But tonight, I guess he changed his mind.

Love At A Coffee ShopTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon