Coffee 3

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Chapter 3: Baekhyun

“Hi Baekhyun!” the guy that I’ve encountered at the coffee shop yesterday said. Why is he even here?! I rolled my eyes and ignored him. I just placed some food on my plate because I am now hungry. Kyungsoo leaned in and whispered, “Is that him?” he asked. I looked at him and leaned in to whisper to him. “Yes. He’s the one. Wait, were you the one who invited him?” I asked.

“No! I didn’t invite him. I don’t even know him. I think he is Jongin’s friend. Admit it Baek, he’s handsome right?” he whispered and then looked at me playfully. I just slapped his head again and he groaned in pain. Good thing that they were all focused on the man so no one heard or saw us.

Jongin introduced us one by one to his friend whose name is Park Chanyeol. The name suits him though, it’s trashy and such. Everyone shook hands with him except for me. I just continued on eating and ignoring him. They went back to their seats. On my right is Kyungsoo while on my left is Suho hyung. And if luck is on my side, Chanyeol sat across from me. Everyone started eating, complimenting Kyungsoo for his good cooking until Jongin suddenly asked me a question.

“Baekhyun hyung, are you familiar with Chanyeol hyung?” he asked and I almost choked on my food.



I looked at Chanyeol, wanting to strangle him and furrowed my eyebrows. But the bastard just smiled sheepishly. Ugh! Why does he keep on getting to my nerves?! He is so annoying!

My friends exchanged looks except for Kyungsoo who just kept on eating. Besides, he knows the truth.

“Huh? What is really going on between you two?” Suho hyung asked. I was about to open my mouth when Chanyeol decided to speak first.

“It’s like this, I met Baekhyun at the coffee shop yesterday….” He started. Wait, don’t tell me he’s going to tell everything that happened yesterday?

“… and he told me that he liked me.” He continued. I was about to protest when he started talking again. “He also told me that he has been following me ever since. That’s why he’s always in the coffee shop every after class hoping to see me.” He said and then looked at me. I held onto my spoon tighter to control myself from beating the hell out of him.

“So, that’s what happened.” Kris hyung said. “Why didn’t you tell us about this before, Baekhyun? You know that keeping secrets from me isn’t my style. Besides, if you told us beforehand, we would’ve helped you to get close to him. He’s Jongin’s friend after all.”

“That’s right.” Tao said, agreeing to what Kris hyung has said.

I was about to speak up when Kyungsoo shoved a spoonful of food into my mouth. I gave him a weird look and he just shrugged.

“Baekhyun hyung has a love life now!” Sehun teased. “Hmm… when will I get my love life too?” He asked and looked towards Luhan hyung to give him a wink. Luhan hyung’s cheeks flushed into a shade of red and he lowered his head for us not to notice his blush.

“Sehun’s got some nice moves there!” Chen cheered.

“That’s right! You’re a grown up man now.” Tao said. “Look at Luhan hyung!” Tao laughed while pointing towards Luhan.

 “Of course! Sehun has been learning those moves from me.” Jongin bragged. “He needs to learn those things so that he will have a love life. That’s why he needs to learn some techniques from a master like me. See, Kyungsoo hyung fell in love with me because of those moves. Right hyung?”

Love At A Coffee ShopTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon