Plan A- Recruit Mercury. (U)

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I walk into the bar, the dim lit light's seemingly getting darker as I sit down on the spare seat in front of the bartender.

I hold a 4 up with my hands, and he nods his head, instantly going to pour my drink

"So, Mercury." I start, not looking at the Roman, but acknowledging him

When I hear nothing I try again


I hear a small pfft, before I hear the flick of a lighter

I turn to him in outrage, to see a smirk on his clean shaven face. He's ignoring me?!

"Yah, I'm speaking to you?" I say, voice getting slightly higher

"And? I don't wanna speak to you." he says, a grim smile on his face

Almost like he doesn't even wanna be here

"What's wrong?" I ask, thanking the bartender as a drink is slipped into my hand

It's the strongest drink here. If I want to explain the situation to Kibum, I'll have to prove to him I'm just as strong.

"Mind your business Hellene. Just drink your drink and be on with your day" He spits, throwing back a shot of some brown liquid.

It's been a while since I've heard that. Guess the Romans are old fashioned.

He put the glass down and makes a noise of satisfaction before lighting a large cigar

"If I beat you at shots, will you tell me?" I blurt

Releasing the cigar from his lips, and blowing out a circle of smoke he inspects the cigar.

"Before that. Tell me why you want to talk? We're not exactly friends now are we?"

I raise my glass to him, as he watches me in curiosity

"Whoever wins, gets the knowledge they seek"

Mercury shakes his head as a small grin graces his lips

"Your a fool. But a smart fool at that" He says, beckoning for a few drinks. 

Before I can even count them, two rows of drinks are placed in front of us.

"Let us begin" He says, grabbing a drink from the row

I nod my head and gulp, as I watch him drink the substance with ease

Throwing back my own drink, I wince at the strong taste

It's burning my damn lungs

I notice Mercury chuckle slightly at me before tossing back his 4th shot

I gotta get my game on. No-one beats Hermes


"Mercury-ahh, Kim Kibum-ahh" I say, my head swirling as I try to keep upright. 

"Shut up you fool"

"Your so cute and small, like a puppy" I say, a hiccup

"Shut it" Ki-bum hisses, but he looks like he's smiling slightly

"Why did you agree to this you fool?" He says, not looking at me anymore

"We- we're all in the shit. Kronos-Saturn. But-but we also love you guys!" I shout happily with a smile on my face

I feel my head drop, but it doesn't hit off the table, instead a warm hand stops it from hitting the hard wood

"B-but you guys don't love us" I mutter, feeling sadness rush through me

It would be awesome to work with someone, considering everyone's so pre-occupied with their respective roles, it's a bit manic to ask someone to help

"Are you crying?" 

I clumsily throw a hand to my face, pocking my eye in the process

"Awh" I groan, holding my eye

I hear a huff before a chair screech

"I'll call you a taxi. Goodbye Hermes"

I groan slightly as I hear the door shut, and let my head hit the table

"My tummy hurts" I complain, making the bartender laugh slightly

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