Kronos X Saturn

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Kronos POV

"Saturn please, look down bellow at our children" I plead, dodging a fire ball

Saturn eyes fleet down momentarily as he watches Bellona and Eros in the mist 

"Treachery" He spits

"No you blithering idiot!" I shout

Saturn turns to me with a glare

"It's love. They are in love with one another! Why can't you just see that we don't have to put our problems onto the world? We can settle this like adults- not melodramatic men!"

"We wouldn't have to do this is you weren't so annoying and disrespectful" Saturn yells

I rub my hand over my face

I feel as though there has been a misunderstanding somewhere

A large fireball tackles the air out of me, causing me to drop to my knees with wide eyes

This pissy little bastard

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