Chapter 3

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When I woke up this morning it was already 6:00a.m . I usually wake up around 5 on a Monday morning , so I can get myself together before school starts . Since I was already kind of sorta late , I rushed in the shower . I cut it to a 18 minute shower . As soon as I got done I waisted no time to brush my teeth and lotion my body . I got my grey half shirt and my black pants and put them on with a pair of black flats . After I got fully dressed I combed downed my hair and applied some lip stick on .

I was at my locker when someone tugged on my shoulder . I turned around to see Devin looking at me with a goofy smile on his face .
"Hello cupcake " he said .
"Devin don't ever sneak up on me like that again " I said rolling my eyes .
"Oh my bad "

We started walking together towards our first class . He tried to grab my hand every minute and I pulled away . I could feel a bunch of girls from the cheerleading team giving me a lot of evil looks .

As soon as we walked into the science room everyone crowded around Devin ,like he was a super star . Everyone wanted to be his lab partner . I deceided to take myself away from the commotion and be partners with my other best friend Lesilie . She was beautiful girl with dark skin . She had box braids and always wore designer clothes .

After the teacher explained the directions Leslie  and I got straight to work. We played around mixing chemicals together to make different colors . In 50 minutes class was over and it was time for lunch .

When I walked in the cafeteria I made my way to the table with Makayla , Caleb , and Devin . A lot of other miscellaneous people were at the table too .

"Want a ride after school?" , Devin asked .
"Yea sure whatever "

"Okay then meet me at my locker after your last class ."

The rest of lunch had an awkward silence , besides Caleb and Makayla flirting all lunch . 15 minutes before lunch ended I got up and left the cafeteria . I went to the bathroom and just sat there until my class started .

It was the end of the day and I was waiting for Devin . He was taking forever to come to his locker , where he told me to meet him . He finally got to the locker . He grabbed my waist and pulled me into him .
"Get off me Devin , I'm ready to go ."

"Whatever just know I'm not done with you " he said with a wink .

We walked to the car in a timely fashion . He opened the door for me and I got in . I turned on the radio and Our favorite song came on . "Disrespectful by Trey Songz."

We both sung the song to our best ability. Moments later we arrived at my house . Devin surprisingly walked me inside my house and took off his coat . He got a little too comfortable for my liking because he started making himself a sandwich .

"What the hell Devin !"

"Sorry babes I got hungry "

"I'm not your babe "

"Not yet "

After that he followed me upstairs to my room . I started doing my homework while listening to Nicki Minaj pandora station .

"Can I spend the night Maliah ? "

"Yea sure whatver ."
I left him spend the night knowing that his parents argue all night long , and my mom wouldn't be home for two weeks .

"Thank You cupcake "

"Yea whatver "

"Okay so here are the rules Devin ." I said while throwing a pillow at him .

"I have my side you have yours . There is no touching what so ever and STAY ON YOUR SIDE ." I said to him

"Yes ma'am "

I left the room to change into my pajamas . I put on a black tank top with black and white polka dotted shorts . When I walked into the room Devin was laying in my bed with nothing but his boxers on . He had the most perfect six pack . I couldn't help but to let my eyes roam all over his body .

"You checking me out ?" He asked with a smile .
"Never " I said while getting in the bed .

Once I got in the bed I got comfortable . I let Devin vent to me about what was goin on with his parents . He told me everything from how he can sleep at night because all he hear is constant shouting and breaking of glass .

I felt really bad for Devin . I couldn't help , but to cuddle up next to him and hug him really tight . I was layed up against Devin with his arm around my back and my head in the crook of his neck . I was so comfortable that I fell asleep within minutes .

When I woke up Devin was not next to me. I looked all around the house and he wasn't here . My eyes started to water . I came to my senses and realized he must of went home to get some clothes . I was right , because once I checked my phone it was a text from Devin saying "went to get some clothes I'll be back in a few ."

I decided to get ready while I was waiting . After I took a shower I got dressed and did my hair and makeup . I went downstairs to cook me and Devin some breakfast . Devin could eat his when he came back . I made eggs with toast and bacon. I heard a knock at the door and it was Devin . I let him and told him to go eat before we left .

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