Chapter 10

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Maliah's P.O.V

Me and Devin have been going out for about 3 years now and our relationship has been nothing but loving and honesty .
We only had one incident when Devin couldn't keep his friend in his pants but other than that we've been good .

I was in the car on my way to go do one of my clients hair. She was one of the models that will be performing in a fashion show later one. I pulled up to the salon and parked my car . I put my shades on then walked into the salon .

"Good Morning Ms.Jones " said one of my co-workers said .

I didn't speak , but I nodded my head .

I headed towards my chair and started to put all my supplies out before I called my client . Once I got everything situated I called my client .

"Is Isrella here for her 11:00 appointment" I yelled to the waiting room .

"Oh yes I'm here "

A tall skinny darkskin women with shoulder length hair started to walk my way .

"Good Morning , please follow me to the back area for a wash " I said leading her to the back .

I sat her down in the chair and began to comb through her hair . I rinsed her hair before I put the shampoo in . Her hair was nice and curly when it first got wet.
I squirted some shampoo in my hands then started to massage it throughout her scout. After I was done I rinsed her head then I added some conditioner .

I let the conditioner sit for about 3 minutes then rinsed it out . I gave her a towel to put around her head as she followed me back to my chair .

I sat her down then started rubbing some oil in her hair then started to blow dry her hair out .
After her hair was blow dried I asked her how she wanted her hair .

"How do you want your hair " I asked
"Can you just hook me up girl " she said smiling .

I nodded my head and started to go to work .

I decided to give her a sew in with purple streaks in it and give the ends a little curl .

It took me an hour but at the end I had a satisfied customer leaving with my number so she can make another appointment next week .

I had a couple more customers before my day was over .

I rode home , but not before stopping at the grocery store to pick up some dinner .
I decided to call Devin to see if he needed anything specific .

"Hey Babe , I'm stopping at the grocery store before I come home is there anything specific you would like ?"

"Nah , but what's for dinner ?"

"Spaghetti "

"Aright then "

"I'm at the store I'll see you when you get home Bae love you"

"love you too Liah"

I parked the car and got out .
I got a cart and made my way in the store .

As soon I stepped foot in the store I headed to the frozen section .

I put some coffe ice cream in the cart and some vanilla .
Next I got Carmel and whip cream for the ice cream .

Then I decided to get some chips . I put some cool ranch Doritos in the cart .

I headed my way to the aisle with the spaghetti . I looked at all the different brands then and selected one .

Before I went to the cash register I needed to get some drinks .
I got coffe , Orange and apple juice , soda , and a bottle of wine .

I went up to the cash register to finally check out .
The man checking out my food was actually pretty handsome .
He was darkskin and had that fuckboy hairstyle . From his name tag his name was Brandon .

He had very very nice muscles . His eyes were brown like a pretty brown .

"Hi , how are you ? " he said breaking me out of my thoughts .

"Oh I'm good and yourself?" I said handing him my savings card .

"I'm good , even better seeing someone as beautiful as you " he said handing me back my card and scanning my food .

"Well thank you sir " I said taking my card .

I collected all my stuff after paying and getting it bagged .

Brandon low key creeped me out , he winked at me while I was leaving . I'm happy Devin wasn't here .

I was driving home and it surprisingly wasn't a lot of traffic .

I turned on my block and Devin was waiting at the door for me .

He opened the trunk and took out all the groceries . I followed behind him into the house .

"Hey babe " I said while kissing his lips .

"Hey Love "

I put up all the food and left out what I needed to make dinner .

An hour later I set everything out on the table for us to eat .

"DEVINNNN FOODS READY" I yelled since he was upstairs .

Less then two seconds he came rushing downstairs .

"Did you wash your hands ?" I question

"Yea "

We both set across from each other and began eating our meal and talking .

After we got done Devin offered to do the dishes .

While he was doing that I planned on taking this time to wash up.

I stripped out of my clothes and got into the hot steaming water . I did my cleaning routine , washed my hair , and then just soaked my body in the water .
After doing all of that I walked out the bathroom and laid down on the with nothing on just thinking .

Devin walked into the room and took off his pants and shirt . Yes he looked fine as crap .

He got in the bed and got on top of me .He pulled the wet hair out of my face .
He began kissing me . I kissed him back without thinking twice .

Soon enough he was kissing my body and going lower and lower into my spot .
He looked at me to see if this was okay I nodded my head and told him to keep on going .

He flipped me over and started to pleasure me .


Isrella in the header

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