Liar, Liar Pants on Fire

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Chrissy POV

So Ella just snapped at her sisters after telling me something I never thought in a million years would happen. Of course, Ella being Ella I knew that she would snap at anybody for anything.

I decided I would give it a try, even though all of my colleagues told me to file a restraining order. Ella is hard to read, but she makes herself vulnerable when it comes to her father, not her mother. I sometimes think that Ella hates her mother, but what child can be that cold hearted toward their parents?

" Hey, is this Mike Rodriguez, the parent of Ava, Ella, and Sofi?"

" Yes ma'am, did Jasmin- uh I mean Ella tell you about what happened earlier?"

I swear, I don't see what Ella sees in her father. He hurt her, it's not fair.

" Uh, yes she did, but can I just say something?"

I'm about to blow, really. " Well, I think because of your past actions and the pain that you caused toward your girls, you should earn mine and their trust. Also, we need to take a paternity test for all three to see if you're really their father. Only because on their birth certificate, it states you're the father of Ella but on Ava's and Sofi, you're not. " I mean luckily I didn't blow horribly, right?

" I know that it was very selfish of me to do such a thing to my girls, and I understand that I have no right to complain about your guidelines."

Tss, jackass

" your right you do not have the right to complain, you should be lucky that I love those girls like my own and even though Ella is enough to deal with I-"

He cut me off.

" Well, I thought it would've been Puchuri giving you a hard time, or Ava. She you know would throw tantrums for the littlest things. Ella has always been mature, always holding up to her standards. When me and her spoke on the phone, she kind of cursed me out" he laughs out and I just stand there in silence because why is he laughing at a time like this.

" Well I most certainly do not think a such thing is funny Mr. Rodriguez, Ella was the oldest and with that came consequences. She didn't deserve what she was being put through of course."

I'm really having trouble believing everything that this man is saying.

" I'll do the paternity test, and what else did the girls tell you?" He sighed, like he had something to be ashamed of.

" Well, yes. They told me you wanted to take them back with you. I hope you know you gave up your paternity rights a while ago." I said, kind of annoyed. I mean who wouldn't be.

The next thing that this man told me made me almost want to flip a damn chair.



Piece of shit

" I never said any of those words, ever. They are lying, my girls are lying." He said, bluntly lying through the phone.


A moment of silence aroused, and I almost hung up the damn phone.

"I'm sorry ma'am, I don't know what their speaking of. I never said such a thing and if I hadn't I wouldn't have told them anything."

Ignorant ass. Lying ass. FUCK!

" Well then we'll speak tomorrow, sorry I need to get everyone to bed. "

No I wasn't, I'm not speaking to this man ever again.

" Ok, ma'am, thank you for this opportunity."

I hung up, wishing this man wasn't so irresponsible.


This chapter is a bit shorter, but next is going to be Mike's POV of everything.

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