Chapter 39- We meet again

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Franki Pov

In this life there are things that you have to give up, the love that you thought would last but it didn't, it only happened to teach you a lesson and to be strong.

There are people who make their choices, who have to make sacrifices for a good cause. It's really hard to make a decisions, especially when you love someone, but you need to do it,so that the both of you will be able to grow as individuals.

It's hard to think that you hurt the person you love, but you know it's better to hurt her now than to make her suffer for the rest of her life. Maybe there are things that, even if they are yours, you need to let go of, so that you can see the value of those things more.

All the decisions you make in this life, you need to think carefully,and pray that every choices you make is right. There are things you have to give up because that thing is no longer fits your life.

That's why other people choose to leave the one they loved,so that they can be happy with whomever is meant for them. It hurts, especially when you've been together for a long time,and you have a lot of memories together.

But the hardest and most painful thing is to stay even if you're not happy anymore, because you know that you did your best to make to make it work, but sadly no matter what you do, it doesn't work the way you wanted it to be.

Am I ready to see her? I can't control the fast beating of my heart, she will be here any minute now. I really need to calm myself.

"I will go to the restroom first" I said. 

"Okay, you better come back right away, you and Diana will meet again" she said.

 I didn't answer, instead I walked out the door, out of the hospital. I still can't bear to see her. So I left, I went to the nearest Starbucks, which is just opposite the hospital. I order my favorite drink to calm my nerves. While waiting, I spotted a woman who had just got out of the car. She's walking into the hospital,and suddenly I feel my heartbeat racing so fast.


She still has that effect on me even if its been years. Even from afar I know Diana. Is she with someone now? I ask myself.A few minutes later I got my order. I decided not to go back to the hospital instead I called someone.


In this lifetime, you will find your true love, whether you have it with love for your boyfriend or a same sex relationship 'cause in this life love will win, for the relationship to lasts,both of you should wotk on it. Fight for your love.

No one is perfect, especially when it comes to love 'cause sometimes we often choose someone who has got the looks,but we often forget to consider the inside, the character of the person, and in the end, you get hurt, because the person you expect to be your ideal person doesn't seem to be ideal anymore.

Some of us have experienced heartbreak in the most agonizing way possible. The ache in your chest may be new or it may still be there after months or even years.

Now you’re questioning yourself. Why  weren’t  you good enough ? What could you have done to make them stay? Maybe if you loved them a bit harder , they would have realize something. That maybe if you went  out with them a bit more, that things would’ve worked out. Maybe if you did things they liked,they would’ve changed their mind.

So you sit there crying, wondering what went wrong. Why they didn’t love you the way they claimed they did?  Why they didn’t choose you,when all you would have done was choose them in a heartbeat, over and over again,but you know deep down that you wanted to forgot about that love.

You deserved someone who doesn’t get tired of reminding you what you mean to them and what they had do for you. You deserved the love you have always dreamed of.

You deserved it.


Franki Pov


Be with someone you love and loves you. It' s as simple and as difficult as that. Love has a way of torturing your soul. It's has a way of breaking you down until you're nothing but in the end everyone says it worth it. But it is really?

Yes, definitely.

Because when it's all said and done, when the terrible part is over, you get to reach across from your bed and snuggle to the person you love the most, to the person you deserve to have.

And I want to experience everything with her. I want to wake up and sleep next to her. I want to show how much I adore her. Can I still have that chance? Maybe or maybe not?

After that day in the hospital, I continue my life, my routine for the past years. I go to work, do some paper works at the office,and go to my bar and drink until I passed out.This is my life.

After a month of constantly ignoring everyone. I heard a loud knock in my front door. Damn this person is annoying..

I just cover my ears with my pillow, but still I can hear the knocking, and when I open the door I was shocked to see her.

"Diana? What are you doing here?"


It's been a long time and I'm so sorry for the very late update.

Hope you like it. Enjoy 😊


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