Chapter 13 - Greece

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Diana Pov

Experience is the the best teacher..Experiences makes you stronger. Memories you shared will always be remembered.

We meet a lot of people in this journey but whoever is destined to be will always prevail. We may lose some people but you will also meet new people along the way..

Life is full of possibilities...

Some people worrying about the future... planning it,  trying to predict it, trying to prevent something from happening. The future is constantly changing and no matter how we predict, how we try and imagine it,one thing is for sure... The future is never how we predict it to be...

As we grow older,we become braver,we become wiser.Being with someone doesn't guarantee happiness.. I mean, we all know that heartache is part of life and pain is part of being human..We are allowed to cry, it is normal to feel pain.

But life is so short to stay miserable.. therefore, do the things that make you happy, spent time with someone you love,take many photos, laugh like never before.. Remember every moment is impotant.. be thankful for the people who are a part of your journey and until now still a part of your life....

Were currently at my office..Our luggage are ready. I'm waiting for George to call me. His a good friend of Fourth and his a pilot. Were taking my personal jet..Suddenly i heard my phone ringing..


"HI BESTFRIEND!" his shouting on the line.

"Ohhh.Fourth..I thought i was George"

"Yeah..about that.. George can't make it,and he told me how important this trip to you and you beautiful girlfriend,... So i decided to take his place today.." he says with an accent."I'll be your Pilot for today,Madam"

"Are you kidding me?"

"Of course not.. I'm serious little cousin.." i groaned at him..


"I know you want this to be perfect..I know you Diana,remember i'm your bestfriend..Don't worry i will behave..i will not do anything that will ruined your time together..I'm just so happy, that you are happy Diana, Franki is a lucky girl."

"No.. I'm lucky to have her,..but enough of heart to heart talk." i heard laughing...we both laughs..

"I'll be there in few minutes...You and Franki should get ready..wait for me in the rooftop,Di"

"Alright Fourth.. Thanks" as i hang up the call..


Franki Pov

I'm excited for this trip. and be with my hot, gorgeous girlfriend.. I imagine her laying in the sand with two piece and kiss her lips, down to her neck, i lick he-

My thought are interrupted with a snap of Diana finger..

"Love, are you alright? I've been calling you for 5 minutes now but you space out.."

"I'm fine.. just thinking"

"Thinking of what?"

"Us... together in the beach..i can't wait to spend this vacation with you, love"

"Me too.. So.. Let's go.. Fourth were gonna be here soon" she says looking at her watch...We walk to the elevator.

"Your bestfriend, Fourth?"

"Yeah...his our pilot for the day,"

"Ok.. Good to know.. I just want to thank him"

"Thank him for what?"

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