Chapter 19 - The healing

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Diana Pov

Cheating is a choice...

People can be completely in love with someone, treat them like a princess,  give them all that they have, but if they want to cheat, they will..The relationship can be perfect but at some point your partner would become unsatisfied and wouldn't want you anymore.

How can it easy for them to let go of the memories? How can you leave someone's life? How can someone promise you that they will protect you, to filling your eyes with the thought of them? How could he left like that?  Did he really care?

You don't hurt the one you love.. Right?

Many years ago i get my heart broken by my own father...He shattered my heart into million pieces and i thought i will be forever broken but then Franki came along..

My first love...

My soul mate...

Do you believe in soulmates or maybe, love at first sight?

I believe that there's a few selected moments in your life that you're going to meet someone that's right for you,not because she or he.,whatever your into,was perfect. But rather when both of your flaws combined and arranged it could be a strong bond, it could be described as love.

Do you remember your first love?

Maybe your no longer together, maybe your still are. And you're still friends and can look back to reminisce the memories you once shared. Or maybe you hate that person, and you hate the memories.

But if you're being honest, at some point in you're life, you want them to be with you,you want them to be in your future but it turn out that they didn't destined to be with you.

And in some cases, you still love them.You'll be lying if he/she doesn't make you happy. That you weren't going to miss him/her. You can admit that at some point he matters and possible still matters to you but it time to let them go...

Remember that,if the person is meant for you,he/she will stay,no matter what the circumstances are..If he/she loves you that much, he/she will choose you over and over again..

After a few hours of thinking...I decided to call my father. I realize that i need to let go of all the pain that he cause me.. Gazini is right,no matter what,he is still my father, my blood..

Letting go is incredibly difficult. But unless you let go, unless you forgive yourself, unless you forgive that someone who hurt you, you cannot move forward with your life..And no matter if cling to worries about the future, or we keep replying their mistakes over and over again,its still be quite painful to move on.

To accept the things we can't change. Even though these things once hurt us, we make desperate attempt to hold on to the things that were familiar to us, even though it may limit us in reaching our full potential that we are rightfully deserved. As they say, you should forget what hurt you, but never what it taught you, because all the hurt, all the pain, shouldn't be for nothing.

The hurt. The pain. It molded you into the person that you are today.

I decided to call him...

My father...

Dad Dialing...after two rings he answer.

"I'm ready to talk"

"Baby girl... Thank God"

"In the coffee shop.Two hour from now..See you" and then i hang up the phone..

And then I message Franki..

To My Love:

Love.. I'm so sorry about earlier...I promise i'll make it up to you.. I'm so stupid..Please forgive me...Can i come in your condo tonight?

From My love:

I understand your feeling love.Ok we will talk.You can come and I'll cook dinner for us.. I love you.. I hope you know that

To My love:

I love you too,my love...Take care..

From My Love:

See you..later..

Ps.  Talk to your father love.

To My love:

I will..

Forgiveness is letting go of all the negative emotion and negative memories. It's finally learning how to move on with whatever positive remain..Though their relationship was rocky. Diana and her father could always have something again..As much as she hates her father, she still love the man who is a part of his life.. They were family after all...

Second chance are not given to make things right,but are given to prove that,we could be better after we fall.

Everyone of us make mistakes,but that doesn't mean they have to pay for them for the rest of their life.And sometimes good people make bad choices,but that doesn't mean they are bad people, it only means they are humans..And they aren't perfect..

After a few hours Diana arrived at the coffee shop. She immediately spotted her Dad...And she approached the man...


"Hi baby girl..I'm glad that you are here..Please take a seat" the man says.


"So?.... " I asked and he holds my hands...

"I know its been years Diana.. First of all I'm so sorry for all the pain that i caused you, for all the promises that I've broked every single time, for all the years that I abandoned you, for everything that i did wrong.You know what I regret everything that i did...If i could turn back time.I will not let you hurt the way that i hurt you, but i can't change the things that i've done in the past..I know its so hard to forgive someone who broke your heart at the young age but baby girl, just give me another chance, to prove to you that I can better,i can be a better man,the father you deserved to have, the father who loved you unconditionally.. Please one last chance?" he said sincerely and i can see it in his eyes and as i listen to all the things he said..I can't help the tears rolling down my cheeks, but my father touched my face and wipe the tears that falling in my eyes.

"Baby girl.. It hurts me to see you cried over me.. Shhhh...Please stop crying...Your girlfriend will gonna kill me,if she knows that i make you cry" he said and smiles lightly through my tears..He continue.

"Franki loves you very much...She's lucky to have you, and i can see in your eyes that you love her as much as she loves you..As your father, I'm happy that you found your happiness and I'm proud of everything you've achieved in your life....Baby girl can i be a part of your life again.? Please?"

"Ok..As much as i want to hate you..You are still my father, and i want to free myself from all the angry and pain that I felt throughout the years..I need to let go the pain, so that i can find peace and to be fully happy.. I mean life is so short to waste my time on something that i can't change..I believe that what happens is what supposed to happen and,well we can't change that, even if you tried..."

"So....Dad..lets start again."

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