Chapter 2 - Meeting

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Diana POV

Family is best thing you could ever asked for. Family will support each other and love one another.

When I was a child I used to enjoy our family time together. My mom and my dad are sweet couple, they love each other dearly.

One day i heard them arguing and that day is the first time i saw my mom cried. Let me tell you,it broke my heart to see my mom hurt like that.

So,since that day, i promise to myself i will never let myself hurt like that.

People say when you get your heart broken it will never gonna be whole again. I hate my dad because he broked his promise to us.

Ever since thay day, my family will never be the same again.

When my dad cheated on my mom, i see the pain when someone cheated on you can only be healed by time but it will leave a scar that no one can erase. Trust will take time to rebuild but can't guarantee if that will bring them back together, no matter how they badly want each other.

I woke up with the blasting of my alarm. I stand up,walk to the bathroom, fix myself to go to my gym downstairs.

Yes, Ladies and gentlemen I own a gym not a typical gym but its actually the biggest one in the city. Well, i owned a lot of businesses across the world.

On my way downstairs. I saw a lot of people outside the building. I immediately call my bodyguards.

"Henry,whats going on?" I says.

"There's someone famous inside your gym, thats why people are here taking pictures" he explained with a deep breathe.

"Tell the people to leave! I don't want peole loitering in my building! Do your fucking job!" I order hanging up the phone.

"Got it boss" panic evident in his voice.

After a few minutes, people outside are gone. Good job Henry I mentally thought.

When I enter at the gym i was greeted by my bestfriend.Fourth is my business partner,his one of my bestfriends and like a brother to me. He personally manage this gym.

"Good morning Diana. You look beautiful today" Fourth says.

"Only today? I'm offended Fourthy"

"Of course your beautiful, not just today" he says with a wink.

"Ahhhh, come here, give me a hug."

He hugged me tight.

"I miss you Diana" he says smiling.

"I miss you too Fourthy" smiling as i hug him tighter.

"Okay.... enough of this lovey dovey shit!..." I says slight disgusted but it cause the both of us to laugh..

"Anyways, your girlfriend is here" he says with a serious tone.

"Huh? Girlfriend?" clueless with what his talking about.

"Yeah,that was your girlfriend, right? He says pointing at a gorgeous girl standing near the boxing ring.

"No...I don't even know her"

" bad...So, the rumors isn't true? He asks lifting his eyebrow, his cute when he do that.

"Hahahaha..Really?Fourthy i thought you don't like gossips" i laugh at him.

"Only when it comes to you my little sister, i want to be the first person to know about your lovelife,you know" he says smiling.

" interested in my dating life?"

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