Chapter 4 - One night stand

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Diana Pov

In a world were everybody meets a jerk. You know you don't have to be serious.Hang out,pretend and play with them..Have fun when your commiment..convenient isn't it?
I mean being single is cool,no worrying about anyone, no obligations and best of all no heartaches...

The night was still young and so was Diana as she sang the final note of the song and the people applause. Sweat trickled down her beautiful face. She's currently at her bar and her bestfriend Fourth requested that she should sing for the crowd.

As she got out of the stage Fourth immediately hugged her.

"Woahhhh.. Your really talented,Diana, Im so impress." Fourth says truthfully..

"Thanks Fourthy" i says smiling as my gaze wandered and look around..

"I need to..." i cleared my throat, eyes travelling until a black haired girl caught my eyes and i know,by the hue of black haired girl's eyes, that i would not be going to be alone tonight.

She approach Andre at the bar. "Hey Andre give me two shots of vodka" Fourth looked towards the direction at Diana's gaze and laughed.

"Really Diana? Come on, not tonight, lets just enjoy the night" placing his arm in her shoulder.

"Nahhh, don't worry Fourth. I'll be quick. Promise" i says sabay taas sa isa kung kamay.

"No... " Fourth says.

"Fourthy,look i have a type..If i'm not mistaken, we have similar taste...Nice legs... great ass..and that girl over there is hot" i says looking at the black haired girl direction.

"Alright, you win,go..goodluck even if you don't need it" Fourth says.

Diana grabbed the drinks from Andre and walk towards the girl. "Hey." The black haired girl raised her brow and stirred her drink. " Do i know you?" the girl says.

"No" Diana leaned against the wall and set the drinka down in from of the girl. "But would you like to?"

"Um.. No.." the girl says..

"Oh.. Just a couple of drinks, if you still don't like me, i'll leave. Promise" .
The black haired girl laugh.

Diana grinned to herself and swirled her drink around.

"I'm Diana"

"I know, i watched you dominate that stage" the black haired girl replied. She had a smile on her face and her eyes never stayed away from Diana's eyes. "That was pretty impressive. I'm Veah"

"Beautiful name,for beautiful girl"

"Thanks" the girl replies.

"Are you with someone tonight" smiling..

"I'm with you" Diana watched as the girl dipped the tip od her finger in the drink,before bringing up to her lips.She traced her mouth her mouth with the dampered finger before sliding the entire length of inside her mouth. Her eyes never staying away form Diana as she slowly pulled the digit out.

Fuck! She didn't just do that. Diana grabbed the girl face and immediate kissed the girl hungrily and the girl kiss back intensely..They pulled apart..

"Would you like to get out of here?"

"Let's go" the girl replied.

"This way princess" leading the way to the private room...

"Wow, i didn't know that there a private room in here" the girl says.

"What can i say, i'm special" Diana leaned forward and nipped her collarbone. "Take out this shirt,and let me have my way with you"

Saying nothing. Veah tugged off her shirt completely,leaving her black lace bra. Dian swallowed hard at the sight,the intricate pattern cupped the girl's breast,this girl's amazing..

"Wow" Diana breathes,her hands smoothing up the curves of the girl's body to palm her breasts. She squeezed the girl's nipples through her bra. The way she arched into Diana's touch is delicious. She could feel the radiating heat, wet and steaming and Diana wanted nothing more than to claim that pussy as hers.

She cupped the girl's pussy through her panties. The girl's wet.

She can't help it. She's so damn horny right now. I need to claimed this girl right now.

She kissed the girl and Veah removed her bra.As soon as the pink hue of her nipples presented to Diana,her mouthed was latched onto the nubs,her teeth scraping along the soft skin.

"Ohh..Fuck" buried her hands in Diana's hair.

Diana couldn't keep her eyes ways from the girl as she unclasped the girl's pants and then hers. She slapped the girl's butt." Your so sexy and i can't wait to fuck you" She tugged the girl panties.."So wet..Gorgeous pussy" as she lick the girl's clit up and down.."Hmmmm.. Delicious"..she then put her finger inside the girls and thrust hard..

"Ahhh.. oh my good" breathless.

"Your pussy's so good" Diana murmured,her lips pressed in the girls neck.She increase her pace.

"Ahhh..right there.. please don't stop..fuck me hard" the girl was so tight..delicious...

"You like it?" Diana says breathlessly..

"Yes...Yes...I'm coming.. AHHHH" shouts as she came..

"That was fun" Diana says kisssing the girl again and she stand up collecting her clothes and go to the bathroom and change.."Thanks for the night" walking to the door..

"Can we do that again?" the girl asks putting her underwear back on..

"Yeahh.. if i'm not busy" and with that i walked out the door smiling..

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