Chapter 40 - Still love you

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Franki Pov

Kung may tao mang nanakit sayo, you go through all these phases, all these emotions, all these questions are running through your head and you’re there wondering.

Why do we find ourselves still completely and hopelessly in love with the people  who caused us pain?
With the people who made us question whether we were enough or not.

Why do we find ourselves loving them despite the nights where we stayed  up crying our eyes out, replaying every good memory that we shared with them, hoping to relieve them  again one day?


What if we didn’t meet?
Do you think we would’ve been better off?

I’d probably be happy, without this damned ache in my chest. I wouldn’t be trying to push your face out of my head because no matter how hard I try, and how much I don’t want to. I still find myself thinking about you.

If we never met, I probably wouldn’t be here questioning whether I was good enough for you or not.

I would’ve been happy.

I would’ve been okay.

But,I never would have felt loved the way that you loved me, but sometimes, it’s just a story about love rather than a love story.

Truth is, if someone doesn’t love you, then you can never make them love you.

You learn that the hard way, after constant nights of crying yourself to sleep or until you passed out, drained and exhausted. But just because someone doesn’t love you doesn’t mean that no one will. Just because they don’t love you, does not mean that there isn’t someone out there praying to God at nights for someone like you.

If they don’t love you, then as hard as it is, remove yourself from the equation and find someone who will genuinely and wholeheartedly give you all the love that you have been craving.

The best part, if that love is for you, you wouldn’t have to ask for it. Wait for that love because I know it is out there. The one that is destined for you, who will love you, every inch of you

When I open the door and saw her in my doorstep I know right there that she is for me. That despite everything that we've been through we will still end up together.

"Diana? What are you doing here?"

"Hello to too my love. Well, I'm here because I'm tired of waiting for you to come back to here I am Ms. Franki Margaret Russell surrendering myself to you. I will offer my everything to have our love a second chance. If you still have me. I will be yours." she said and then she grab my hand and added "Please forgive me for everything that I've done to you. I still love you. I really do."

"I know it's 6 years but I know you're still in love with me and don't try to deny it I have witnesses to prove that you still want me Franki. So please come back to me. I will wait for you even if it takes forever. I don't how I survive without you. I misses you everyday Franki. I think of you every single day. But I was so hurt that's why I left and I'm sorry for that. I'm sorry that I left." she added

"Please give me another chance. I will never leave you again. Be with me?"

"You don't have to apologize because I know it's all my fault Di. I still love you at hindi magbabago yun.Ikaw lang naman sa simula pa lang. Kung hindi ka umalis that night at hinayaan mo akong mag explain hindi sana tayo nag sayang nag anim na taon. We both hurt each other but I'm glad that you came back. Na finally I will be able to see your beautiful face again. Na finally I will be able to touch you again, to love you right this time. I miss you everyday my love." I hug her tight.

" I love you so much Ms. Diana Mackey. Don't ever leave me again"

Diana Pov

Ask yourself this; if you had the chance to start over with someone , would you go back and meet them all over again or would you just walk away? Because walking away means no heartbreak even though they made you feel again.

I need to accept that, one day you will be in love with another. Someone kind, someone caring, someone who loves you because even if we weren’t meant for each other, I would only wish the best for you

I’m trying to accept that this life is meant to be. That everything I always wished for us, will still happen to you just..not me.

That how we go from spending nights with each other, laying in bed talking about anything and everything. Having countless dreams with one another , hope for things and imagining a whole world with someone only for them to live that future out with someone else.

I really want to think that our ending was not an ‘end’ but rather just the beginning for us both. A beginning that will lead us in the right direction, even if it means that you’re going to slip further away from me for now.

I believe the timing is everything.

I believe you’re supposed to meet someone at a certain time in your life, and sometimes you meet them before you’re supposed to. And that messes up the grand scale of things.
Something that is supposed to be one of the best things that would ever happen to you, might just so happen to turn into your greatest heartbreak.

And sometimes, we need to accept that things end, just so that new beginnings can blossom. Sometimes people need to break so that they can truly heal. Sometimes love need to leave so that it can return in a new form.

Maybe our ending before isn’t really an ending, it just a new journey for us. A new path that we must both walk on our own before we find our way back to each other.

I promise to myself  I won’t waste another years being without you. This time I will give my everything for you to forgive me. I passed all the pain and heartaches. I have nothing to lose because I already lost you and I won’t lost you this time around. I will fight for you even if it’s hard. I still love you even after so many years of being without you.

I waited for Franki to come back to me, suyuin ako, besides hindi ko naman kasalanan kung bakit kami naghiwalay before pero I'm thinking that may mali rin ako sa nangyari kaya nag decide ako na puntahan siya kasi isang buwan na yung dumaan hindi pa rin siya nagpapakita sa akin pati nga si Dad hindi niya binisita.

I'm done waiting. I will win you back Franki.

I ask my bestfriend Gazini of Franki's where abouts and she told everything i need to know. She has same routine. Since hindi ko siya maabutan sa office niya I decided to go to her condo and right now I'm in front of her door knocking. And I knock louder. I know andito siya sa loob.

And when she open the door. She was shocked to see me.

"Diana? What are you doing here?" she asked

"Hello to too my love. Well, I'm here because I'm tired of waiting for you to come back to here I am Ms. Franki Margaret Russell surrendering myself to you. I will offer my everything to have our love a second chance. If you still have me. I will be yours." I said and then she grab my hand and added "Please forgive me for everything that I've done to you. I still love you. I really do."

"I know it's 6 years but I know you're still in love with me and don't try to deny it I have witnesses to prove that you still want me Franki. So please come back to me. I will wait for you even if it takes forever. I don't how I survive without you. I misses you everyday Franki. I think of you every single day. But I was so hurt that's why I left and I'm sorry for that. I'm sorry that I left." I said

"Please give me another chance. I will never leave you again. Be with me my love?"

"You don't have to apologize because I know it's all my fault Di. I still love you at hindi magbabago yun.Ikaw lang naman sa simula pa lang. Kung hindi ka umalis that night at hinayaan mo akong mag explain hindi sana tayo nag sayang nag anim na taon. We both hurt each other but I'm glad that you came back. Na finally I will be able to see your beautiful face again. Na finally I will be able to touch you again, to love you right this time. I miss you everyday my love." She hug me tight

" I love you so much Ms. Diana Mackey. Don't ever leave me again"

"Can ask you a question? she asked

"Yes of course"

"Are you married? Do you have a daughter?"

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