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"Hyunjin?" I called him as soon as I arrived to my house. The car where he left for Yeji was there, so I assumed they were here.

"Hyunjin where are you??"

"Miss Hea"

"Changbin, Jisung" I greeted the two of them. "When did you arrive?"

"Just a few minutes ago" Jisung took off his jacket.

"How did everything go?" I questioned.

"We found a bit of trouble here and there, but nothing we couldn't handle."

"Good. Drugs got delivered safely?"

"Absolutely" Jisung confirmed. These two are from my best men, they tend to always be away handling dirty business for me, they are elite and extremely well trained.

"Miss Hea, there is something we should talk about, but not right now, it's not that important either, but we consider it's still something." Changbin poured some water for him and gave the other glass to Jisung.

"Fine, we'll talk about it tomorrow. I'd love to let you go rest, but we're in trouble. I need you two guarding outside. Notify Seungmin to be all eyes over the security monitors down there, and Jeongin to guard the back exit please."

"Is something wrong?"

"The Jangs are hunting Hyunjin down. I'll explain later."

"Yes ma'am" they both bowed and went outside.


"In my room, Hea!" I heard him say. I went straight to his room, he was sitting beside Yeji, she was drinking water while still crying a bit.

"damn it, answer me, I got scared."


"Yeji" I hugged her tightly. I appreciated her a lot and I felt devastated about what happened. "I'm so sorry girl"

"Don't apologize, we all knew this would happen sooner or later."

"How did they get in?"

"They climbed from the side window and got in."

"The one in the lobby?"

"Yeah. I was on the second floor, inside my room. I was about to go downstairs, but when I saw them I slowly backtracked to my room to get a gun."

"How many got in?" Hyunjin asked.

"Two or three, I think. I was ready to shoot, really, but..."

"But what?"

"Their boss got in too, they opened the front door. Don't ask me how, but he entered looking right to where I was hiding. I aimed my gun at him while going down the stars, but he's too skilled. He managed to hit me so I dropped the gun."

"That's why the lobby looked like a mess?"

She sighed. "Yeah..."

"What did they do to you?"

"Actually nothing. I don't know where was he taking me, but he was questioning me, about us Hwangs. He said he'd just use me to scare Hyunjin."

"Motherfucker. I'll kill him with my own hands." Hyunjin grinned.

"There's one more thing." Yeji added. We looked at her with raised brows, she turned to me.

"He thinks you're still alive, Hea, and he's probably going to hunt you down too. He just doesn't seem to know what you look like and of course where you live."

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