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"Christopher Bang"

Fuck. Calm down Hea, calm down. All I could think about was this motherfucker taking away my parents' lives, and my head was a mess. I think I've never tried to act chill as hard as today.

"Christopher...exotic name" I chuckled. Before he could say a word, I continued "well, please excuse me, my husband is waiting." I bowed and turned around.

Still trying to pretend like nothing was wrong, I hurried to Hyunjin, he was standing exactly were I left him. Before saying anything to him, I glanced at the bar, and the guy was looking this way. I don't know if he knows who I am, but I'm sure he knows Hyunjin. 

I got closer to Hyun, tiptoeing to his ear. Since he has no idea, he just smiled, maybe thinking I was following his joke earlier, but no.

"Don't make any faces. The shooter is here" I kissed his cheek so that it wouldn't look like I was whispering to him. Since he's a master in pretending, he smiled and pushed my hair back my ear.

He took the whisky, grabbed my hand with his other hand and walked a bit further from the spot. We managed to go hide behind a wall parallel to the main hall.

"The fuck do you mean?!" He whispered.

"Hyunjin he's here. He introduced to me and I don't know if it was really just flirting or he does know who I am."

"Okay, okay. I can't afford to risk your identity. If he's here, he's probably working for the Jangs, and we can't stay here." He placed the glass of alcohol over a table, and took mine too.

"Okay, I'll go tell mr. Kim something came up and I have to go. You hold onto me and don't let go for any reason, understand?" He commanded. "I brought a gun just in case, so we have to stick together since you-"

I showed him my own gun hidden over my leg's garter. He looked down and chuckled.

"So cliché, yet so sexy" he laughed.

"Not the time" I hit him.

I held to his arm and went back outside to look for the old man. I noticed the shooter wasn't there anymore, meaning we had to hurry.

"There he is" Hyunjin pointed at the old man, who was surrounded by other people. Just when we started walking, someone stepped on my dress, making me stop abruptly, letting go of Hyunjin. He immediately turned around to me, but the man saw him and dragged him.

"Wait wait!" He yelled, but he got surrounded by people immediately, we couldn't see each other anymore. I turned angry to the person who stepped on the dress, and before I could even react, Bang put a wet napkin on my nose, and everything went black. 

Minho's POV

My phone had been ringing all fucking night long. Felix got my number pretty quickly, less than 24 hours and he was bothering me again.

I could've just turned if off, but then he'd show up here and that's worse.

The ringing wasn't stopping any time soon, so I ended giving up and picking it.

"Leave me the hell alone"

"Aren't you coming?"  He sounded like a child.

"I told you I won't go"

"Don't you want to have fun?"


"Why are you so boring~"

"Stop calling me. I'm about to go sleep"

"Tsk, always wanting people to beg you"

"I don't want you to beg me, you're doing that on your own. Good by-"

"Ahhhh~ so boring. I'll have to torture these souls on my own"

That statement made me sit on my bed, worried.

"What did you say?"

"Oh? Now you're interested?"

"If you're hurting inocent people I swear-"

"Bye bye bro" he hung up.

Funny how I wanted him to stop calling me and he's the one who hung up, but now I'm worried. I wandered on my room for a few minutes, before going to my closer. 

"Fuck it"

I changed clothes and called a car from "home". It's a service I had for myself but never used it, wanting nothing to do with them, but this was a different case.

After a few minutes, a black van arrived.

"To Felix's party"

"It's so nice to have you using our services, mr Jang"

"Don't call me that. Just drive"

I arrived to a mansion. I frowned at the driver.

"Where am I?"

"You asked for young Felix's party, this is it."

"This isn't his house"

"I know nothing more sir"

I rolled my eyes and got off. "Park far from here. If you say a word about me I'll certainly kill you. Don't let anybody see you, and if they do, I wasn't with you."

"Yes sir." He drove away.

I walked a few meters to get to the entrance, but the doors were already closed. I tried knocking, but no response.

I walked around the place to locate an alternate entrance. After minutes of surrounding the mansion, I found an opened window. Am I in a fucking movie?

I tried jumping untill I managed to hold from the edge and pulled myself up. I clearly have no condition for this, not anymore.

Luckily, there wasn't anybody in the kitchen, the noise came from the main hall. I tried going out slowly, checking if there was anybody around, but the parallel halls were empty.

When I was about to open the door to what seemed the main hall, I heard steps and laughs, so I backtracked quickly to the kitchen. I peeked from the counter, and saw none other than Chan; perfect.

As soon as he walked past the kitchen, I followed him carefully. He was already drunk, I could tell because he was talking to himself.

He went into at least three doors, which I followed carefully. I could tell I was now very far from the "guests", as the rooms got quieter, and the rooms we crossed were on lower floors.

Finally, He stopped at a dark room, which I managed to squeeze over and hide behind an old wooden closet. 

He suddenly turned the lights on, still low lights, so I hid my head back to avoid being seen.

"I finally have the chance to play properly with you, Hwang Brat."

Hwang brat?

I turned again, afraid to see what I thought I'd see.

No way...

It was Hyunjin, all beaten up; Hea was there, too.

What's going on..?

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