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I thought her parents lived abroad, that's what Hyunjin told me. Are her parents dead? Did...did Chan kill them?

I've always been correct...I've been transparent with everyone around me, at school, at work. The only thing I've never told anyone is about my family. I've kept it for myself, since I despise them and everything they have done and still do till this day.

For some reason, I wanted to tell them the truth about me, and clear out that although I was born a Jang, I have nothing to do with them and their business. However, I don't know how bad of an idea it is; seeing them act the way they did back there, and Hyunjin even killing Chan coldly, means I could get killed too.

Also, disappearing from their lives isn't the best move either, it'd just be more suspicious. I'm literally between a rock and a hard place right now, the only thing I can do is remain silent and cooperate with these two for the moment.

We arrived to Hea's house after a rather awkward ride back. They got off first and were immediately received by one of their men.

When we got in, only lamps with dim lights were on, as Hea had previously asked. Hyunjin's sister rushed to them and asked them a lot of questions.

"We're fine, Yeji, luckily. Please go back to your room and wait for me there, there's something we have to do now." 

His sister nodded and went back, not before giving Hea another tight hug.

Hea was more calmed now, almost as if nothing had happened. I guess she's good with hiding her feelings, suppressing them.

"Minho, we need you to come with us for a second" Hyunjin placed his hand over my shoulder.

I followed them to the same room I got in when Hyunjin's sister incident happened. They sat me on a single chair, as if I was a criminal.

"Firstly" Hyunjin started, "what were you doing back there?"

I'm glad I'm very good at thinking really fast, although in my mind I analyze it properly.

"An acquaintance from my old work called me on a suspicious party."

"Why did he contact you instead of going himself or someone from the station?"

"He told me he was investigating someone who attended the party, but they didn't give him permission to go, so he asked me if I could go and investigate for him"

"Why did you agree?" Hea questioned.

"I was bored at home. That's what I used to do after all, so I wanted to try it again."

"What was it that you were investigating?"

"...an old man, bald, CEO of some important company. I didn't ask much, just what he looked like."

"Sounds like mr. Kim" Hyunjin turned to Hea.

That was a close one. If I had told them my brother, a Jang, invited me, I'd probably be already dead.

"Anyway, listen, Minho" Hea took over now. I remained silent like a kid being scolded by his parents.

"Unfortunately, you've witnessed too much; so I'm going to tell you what's going on with Hyunjin's family and my own family, which is really just me." She sat in front of me.

"In case you already hadn't figured it out, we're mafia."

"Mafia?" I actually can't say I'm surprised. I always thought this house and the absurd amount of men and money a young girl like Hea possessed was suspicious. 

"Correct. My family was part of an Italian mafia group. My real last name is Ryu; Hyunjin's family is also mafia, but they didn't have to hide their identity like me. My Italian family was completely erased, leaving only my father, who later married my mom, a lawyer, and had me."

Ryu...Where have I heard that before?

"The Jangs..." Hyunjin continued, "They were enemies of the Ryus, for ages. After killing every member of the family, they discovered Hea's dad came back to Korea, so started hunting him down for years. Later, they learned about my family working with him, so they targeted us.  Hea's father was the only Ryu left of the family. To this day, we still don't know how did they know about Hea's dad.

Hea's mom decided to help us uncover the Jangs. Beyond money being stolen, they've killed a lot of families we knew. However, the Jangs once more learned about Hea's mom helping us, and decided to get rid of them.

"Can I ask something?" I raised my hand like a kid at school. Hyunjin nodded.

"Did they kill them because of her mom helping you guys or because they knew they were Ryus?"

"That's what we've been trying to figure out for years. We don't know if they murdered them because of their last name, or because they helped my family. Their identity was supposed to be hidden."

"How come... they didn't kill Hea?"

"With the help of a few men, I managed to leave the house the same day and come here. They're not supposed to know about this house." Hea added.

"So...just like that, you're mafia? As "simple" as that?" I questioned.

"It's been hard for us, you know, so no, it's not simple. I've killed I don't know how many people now." Hyunjin stated.

I somehow felt betrayed, but I'm in no position to say anything. It just angers me that they're something like my own family. Just when I started to feel comfortable around them, especially Hea.  I looked away and sighed.

"Listen," Hyunjin got closer to me, "I wanted to tell you, I really did. I needed someone to rant about everything, but I couldn't tell my detective by the law best friend about my background. I wish I had a normal life, and so does Hea, but we can't, and this is who we are.

If you want to leave, you can. But if anything I've told you comes to public light.."

"You'll have to kill me"  I completed his sentence. He looked down, confirming it.

"Or.." he continued, I looked back at him. "If you want to work with me, with us, I'll be more than happy to have my best friend by my side." He smiled.

"I think... I need time to decide."

"It's fine man, but you'll have to stay here these days. Since you were there, they're probably already searching your house. That's how it works.."

Tell me about it... I actually needed time. His offer didn't sound bad... but I ran away from home for a reason.

"You May be thinking we're bad people, like everyone does about mafia families. And yeah I'm not going to lie, we do deal with drugs and shit, and I've killed people. But believe me, Minho, we do this looking for the good."

"Mafia" and "good" can't go together in a sentence...

Hello! How have you been? I think I'll be uploading several chapters today, I'm really inspired lol

Thank you for supporting Denarius, it means a lot to me, really😭🧡

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Stay safe, stay happy! Bye bye ~

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