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Next morning, I got up and went to have breakfast. Hyunjin was already eating, Minho was there too preparing coffee.

I eyed Hyunjin, asking him by expressions if Minho said something about it, but he didn't, according to Hyunjin. I sighed and sat down to eat.

"Did you guys sleep well?" I asked

"Yeah, thanks" Minho replied.

It kept turning awkward by the second. We could tell he was uncomfortable with us, so I decided to ease a bit the tention. I didn't want him to think he had to work for us just because he knew.

"Listen, if you don't want to do it it's totally fine-"

"I'll do it."

Hyunjin stopped reading and immediately looked at him. "Really?" He said.

"Yup. It'll be fun"

"Are you sure?" I asked again.

"I am. I know it's a dangerous job but.. I like dangerous."

"It's more than a dangerous job. You'll have to live here with us and.."

"Shoot bullets? Yeah I know.. of course I didn't do that back on the other job often but oh well."

I looked at Hyunjin and he was way too happy. He smiled from side to side and stood up to hug him.

I did like the idea, but I was a bit confused. When he said he needed time I thought he'd need a month or more, I mean... working for mafia gangs is not a simple job, you're literally risking your life every day of getting killed. So him agreeing just like that feels off...

I must be crazy, that's all. I should be happy for both Hyunjin and I. Its true Minho seemes to be brilliant and maybe he's the step we need to eliminate the Jangs, hopefully.

"I just have one request" he added.

"Anything" Hyunjin offered.

"Let me use my own clothes, I don't want to use a uniform like everyone else, at least not here." He chuckled.

"You Can wear whatever you want while in the house, but on quests it's better if you use one. If someone sees you using different clothes they'll target you because they'll think you're part of the main family and will try to kill you eagerly."

"It makes sense yeah... okay deal" he said.

Minho's POV

I'll use this as a double opportunity. Firstly, I'll get to my family and make them pay for everything they've done. Who knows them better than me? I just have to be careful about the hints I "discover" so that it's believable.

Then, I want to know more about Hea, about the family especially since that call.

-Flashback- (Last night)



"Oh, hey man. What's up?"

"Nothing much. I have info of what you requested me some time ago"

"For real?"

"Yeah but I mean.. it's weird man, I don't really understand."

"What's wrong?"

"Well, the name you gave me, "Hea" right?"


"It says-"

"Why are you whispering?"

"I'm inside the station right now, and I shouldn't be. If I get caught they'll chop my head off."

"I'm sorry I put you in that situation man. Keep going"

"Yeah anyway, there are 3 people with that name registered. Two of them are already seniors, around their 80s, so that's not the case."

"I told you she's around 24/25"

"I know, here's the bizarre part. The only Hea registered with that age committed suicide 6 years ago."


"I'm telling you."

"What about her parents?"

"There's no info about them. When I say nothing, I mean absolutely nothing. Are you sure you got the right name?"

"I'm certain."

"Well, that's the only info available of her"

"Thanks man, if I need anything else, I'll let you know."

"There's one more thing you should know, just in case"

"What is it?"

"I casually asked the boss about that name and he got incredibly nervous. That's why I'm here whispering and hiding. After I asked, he commanded the register office to not give any information to any of us."

"Why would he do that?"

"Exactly. That's all I can do for you at the moment."

"I appreciate your time and help. Thank you."


-End of flashback.-

Turns out all her info is gone, and it says she's dead. He called me right before Felix did last night, so I was dead curious, but everything cleared up a bit last night when she explained. I guess she meant it when she said she had to hide her identity.

But still, I need to know if they're really "good people". I'll have to make the sacrifice to work for them to get to that info.

If they turn out to be like my own family

I'll have to turn against them too.

Fuck mafias, really.

Hi hi!~ Short chapter! 😆 is Minho turning into another antagonist? 😱

Thank you for reading Denarius🥰 I'll keep updating today, I'm feeling very inspired recently! Please remember to vote! I'd appreciate it a lot! ❣️

Thank you!! Stay safe and Happy~

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