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"Here's your backpack, Hea" Jisung came closer and handed it to me. I thanked him and immediately went to Hyunjin's room to check it with him. 

"Come in" He replied to my knock. I opened the door and made my way to sit beside him, grabbing the chair from the small desk. 

"How are you feeling?" 

"It gets better as time goes by. I'll be fine within a week or less" 

"Don't push yourself, okay?" 

"Yes, mom" He joked; I rolled my eyes. 

"Anyways, here's the book. But first, we need to check Byungho's papers" I pulled out the red briefcase along with the yellow book. 

"Oh, right. Can't believe I almost forgot about it."

"And that was the main reason we went there" I chuckled, "I should have made the doctor check your head" 

Hyunjin scoffed, slowly sitting properly to check what he had. 

"K, right?" 

"Yes, it's actually the only Kang in that briefcase."

There was info for more people than I actually met, I guess they got killed. I recognized some faces, including trainees that are now full-time guards. 

"Here" Hyun stopped at Byungho's personal information, with his photo. 

"Kang Byungho 
Birth date: June 1st, 1971 
Recruited: December 12, 1994
Age: 23 
Born: Tuscany, Italy" 

"Italy? I thought he was born here" I said. "That's what mom always told me." 

"Your dad was born in Italy too, right?" 

"Yeah, In Verona. But he was adopted later on. "  

"Do you know his birth year? Something about his biological parents?" 

"Never asked, but he was around 46 when he passed; So I guess maybe the same year as Byungho. I don't know anything about his parents, either." 

"I assume they met there, then." 

"Yeah, figures. Let's see what else we have here" 

We kept reading. It had info about training hours, flights, trips, money, family. There wasn't really anything related to his background. Info about his family only stated parents' names.

"That's it??" I turned the page back and forth, trying to find any more info, but there wasn't anything else.

"We can't have just been through all that shit for nothing. This is literally nothing." I complained.

"Maybe we didn't" Hyun spoke. I turned to him; he was holding a picture. I must have been too into Byungho's info, as Hyunjin flicked the photo between his fingers. 

"What's that?" 

"It was hidden through some pages of this book" He held the yellow book on his other hand. I got closer to take a look. 

It was an old photo of my dad, young. Beside him, Byungho and another young guy. They were celebrating something, along with a blonde lady, around her 40s maybe. 

"Wow, I used to think you looked exactly like your mom, but your dad looks exactly like you here." Hyunjin chuckled; he was right though. 

"Who do you think this is?" I pointed at the other guy beside them. 

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