chapter 16

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Daniel pov
I couldn't believe I have Stella  here with me in my house, she such amazing person I don't understand why she was treated the way she was, she has the biggest heart I have ever seen that would do anything for people she loves and cares about and help people, but they shame her, I know when I see a child of god, he definitely has her everyday, I was so happy that she called me for help besides anybody she could know, I know my god wanted our paths to cross this one it finally  time Stella becomes  stronger with god, and to finally be loved, and my god chose me to deliver this women to see that here life is not over it's starting to get started something beautiful that hasn't happened to her in along time and that just how great our god is he open and closes doors and even though the rough ones seems longer then the better days  and will make I  honor god word of chosen me to help her completely be closer to our heavenly father.
As I'm making this chicken fettuccine Alfredo she wanted, she just sitting at the counter seat, waiting patiently, she asked if I needed help but she done alot I wanted to give her a  rest and show her she a really good women, so I did the honors of spoiling her for a night what ever she wants I do it cause I know  she will and does that from me today, tomorrow, or how ever long I get to be graced my her presence in this house that actually feels like a home I can call forever  to me, first time I seen her, she was sad but glowing with light at the same time, I needed to know her more, my god has blessed me by her presence and know he giving her to me now, she can be here how ever long she needed to, I take care of her, it would hurt if she does leave but gonna show her I'm here and she my home forever.
I turned around and told her dinner about done, she said that good I'm so hungry, she was so beautiful she gave a little smile when I said  that, as I'm finishing the meal, I asked would u like something to drink? She said I would like that, what do u have? Little bit of everything, Dr pepper, cherry coke, tea, milk, juice.
She said wow u do, and she started laughing, she so pretty when she laughs and has a beautiful laugh, I asked what so funny, she said all those drink I like, and she started laughing again, I said really, that what my favorites are to, she stopped laughing but she had the biggest smile I had ever seen from her, she said well that the first we know about each other that common, I said yeah that one,but there other thing we have in common, so said what that, we both love our god, we have same god, she smiled again and said you right.
I handed us our food, she decide cherry coke tonight, so I handed her one, and went around beside her to the chair set my stuff on the table
She asked do u pray before you eat? I said yes I do, she said good cause I do to
Would you like it if you start the pray tonight, I do it tomorrow, I said sure we can do that
I grabbed her hand, luckily she didn't freak out and we bowed out heads, I spoke the prayer, when the prayer was done we said amen, and started digging in, I watched as she took her first bite of her food I made her, she looked over at me and said this is the best chicken fettuccine Alfredo I have ever have it's delicious and smiled and started digging in again. I started eating my food, we managed to have a quiet but nice conversation while we  eat, stella ate it pretty fast and ate it all, I asked would u like more? She said really can I? I said of course if you want  you can have more  I made plenty, she said that be nice yes a little more, I put some more on your plates, I handed her plate she said thank you and put her head down, but notice the blush that came on her face, she was embarrassed for something, either cause she thank me  again, when she didn't have to or about the food , I wondered, I looked over of seeing how nice it it that someone else is enjoying my food ,she eating this plate slower this time, I asked is the food still ok, she looked  at me and said yes it perfect I said ok, when finished our food she was still quite it was starting to frustrate me, I was thinking I did something wrong when I handed her other plate of  food.
I cleaned up the mess she was still sitting in the chair, I asked is there anything else you like to do before we go to bed? She said we can go to bed, I can watch tv in my room til go to sleep, I said you sure, she said yeah, we walked back up to our rooms, we walked in front of her door, she said thank for dinner and letting me  stay here and have good night, see you in morning, I said ok goodnight, and she went in to room and the door slowly close in my face and I stood there hoping I didn't do nothing wrong and can't wait for longer days with her, went to my room even though she thanking me alot I know she means we'll she so you to letting someone in for it to shattered over and over til now she feels like she has no where to go, but Jesus will always led her of where she needs to go he makes a promise to his children he loves you no matter what, and that he know you before you be able to know yourself  and just to keep your head held high because our god calms the seas and moves the mountains that you will be moving forward again and again as long as you keep breathing, so I say a quick prayer myself before I drift to sleep thanking him for this new door opening that gonna change us forever.

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