chapter 23

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Dakota pov
Hey stella, long time we haven't seen each other, stella says what do you mean we seen each other two weeks ago and why am I in this room taken by two boys for u to be the reason? There no sense in saying stuff like that Stella where friends remember, she says the Dakota I known would never do stuff like what you doing, well Stella what am I doing that so bad? You know she says have me taken by your two criminal friends and to be locked in this room against my will, sweetheart just cause you are locked in a room does me you are treated badly since you been here, you got a nice comfy bed, tv, closet, bathroom, we have brought you food and anything you like to drink, not once since I have been here or my so called criminal friends have laid a hand on you since you been brought here so I suggest you use your words nicely from now on or I might make some difference of your stat here, you got that, she just nodded her head signaling yes, good, so how my friend doing, I been trying to reach you to see how you been with your family situation? I figured either things where getting worse of your family or they done better and you where helping there recovery, but after two weeks of calling and texting I go to the hospital to find you and talk and help anyway I can just like I did when it first happened you know, took you to get something to eat, have your best friends pray for you and your family get better, but when I entered the hospital you weren't there so I asked the lady if you mother can have visitors now so I could see you guys, instead I go into your mother's room to find her completely alone, would you like me to tell you what she was doing in the room Stella? I looked at her to respond but she just has her head down, I said she was working on her hospital bed, I asked where u were, she said you left said you were done with the family and being there she started crying, that your mother Stella family gets into fights especially mother's and daughters, did you ever think that maybe the fight she had was just cause she was hurting and didn't wanted to be in that position because probably to her you still need her not the way around where you would have to take care of in that position.
She looked at me and said Dakota I know you thinking I'm such a hurtful daughter to my mom, knowing everything I did ask of you at the hospital but you don't understand, try me I said, she put her head down and said I tell you later, I just like to rest a few, and I think it's best you have some time to clear your head, I said fine a few hours but you better tell me and I got up and walk out the door locked the door and headed towards the living room, Cole and Austin where watching tv, they looked up at me when the heard my stoping across the room, Austin everything good bro? I said sorta was trying to talk to her and try to get an explanation from here about leaving her family, and had her head down saying she tired she tell me later do I have time to cool off, can you believe that, I just got so round up that I just said fine and walked out, did she happen to say anything you guys about it? Or where she been staying? They both said no but Austin said when we where following her to get her, she walked about 20 minutes west of town and it looked like a little housing addition, interesting, Cole you good at tracking see if anyone around seems off, maybe we can figure out where she been staying, ok man it late can I go on home, I said sure both of ya go on home, and Cole look in to it in the morning will ya, sure man, goodnight and they where gone leaving me alone in my thought, I decided to make me and Stella dinner, cause once I'm done I'm heading up there to her side of the story but maybe if I give her a nice meal it be easier for her to talk to me, even though we not as close as we where since are younger teenage years I still feel like we never been apart and I would always tell her anything I just ask for it in return.
I decide to make spaghetti its been around two hours of her nap the spaghetti took about forty five minutes, so I put it in two bowls and two cups of Dr pepper on a tray and headed towards the door she staying in I hope she will like her dinner I remember she liked Dr pepper hopefully she still does, I walked in to the room she was sleeping so content, I walked the tray of food on the bed side table she had the light down low with the tv on, weird she has the tv on while she sleeping, I wonder if she always sleep with the tv and why? I walked over to her and lightly shake her shoulder and called out her name after a few minutes of me saying her name she woke up she turned on the bed side lamp and said, "what"?
It's been a few hours and you told you tell your explanation but I thought before you tell me if you like dinner I made spaghetti, she looked around I'm guessing for looking for dinner, I said if we eat dinner you have to tell me your side of the story, she said that fine I told you I would I handed her food and her drink, I said it Dr pepper hope you don't mind she said no Thai is good its fine I watched a minute before I ate mine, she looked like she enjoying the food she scarving it down, I starting eating my food when I was done I looked over to she finished her food and she did, I said ok tell me so we can go to bed when this is over it's late, she said really how late I looked at my phone is says 10:00 I told her it's 10 pm she said wow, I tell you but, but what, she put her head down likes she embrassed to tell me something I said it ok you can tell me, I just was wanting to know if there was more spaghetti, I started laughing and made her even more embrassed, I said I tell you what you tell your side and I bring you out to the kitchen and you have the rest of spaghetti how that sound, she said ok deal quickly, I said did you like the spaghetti? She said it was amazing I was hungry, I said ok well I'm not gonna starve you silly anything you want just ask me or the boys, she said you saying I would have to come back in here when I'm done eating the spaghetti, I said yes this is your room were else will sleep at, she put her head down she it's no big deal but is the door be locked again, I said for know til I know you not going to escape , she put her head down like she afraid, she ok I guess, thank you at least letting me out tonight to eat the rest of dinner, I said u welcome it's no big deal now start talking, she said well my mom is different, I said what do you mean?

She said even though I consider her my real mom she not.

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