chapter 33

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I know this songs seems girly but it really fits that setting between Dakota and Stella she given him her hand this be interesting between them don't you think.

Stella pov
This night has been the best night of my life I couldn't believe Dakota did all of this for me I wondering if his feeling are showing more then he leads we still have the deal with Daniel I'm so torn I don't know what to do, I mean Dakota was my teenage crush but he didn't feel it we both moved on with your lives until a few months when he entered back in my life at one of the isles in Walmart talking away everything that went on in our lives like know matter how long we where apart we cross paths again and the friendship between is grown so much since the time we where apart and before we know we talking like the friendship part in us will never die and then a loop hole came about because after we talked a few times when my family had that wreak and I was devastated and lost and need someone to turn to Dakota texted me and wondering if I was ok because he haven't heard from me and I told what was going on and he was right there at hospital showing the paths of redemption of bringing our closest friends help me with a time of need, and then Daniel he so nice and caring it like he does see in my soul and he accepts me for who I am, he showed me his beautiful lake he goes to clear his thought, he help me to start moving on with life, he was showing me that he will help take care of me, it felt like home with Daniel I feel it be forever with him, when I took one look at Daniel I feel my heart come alive I haven't felt like that in a long time it felt like I was stuck in time with no direction of where go, who to turn to, where I go feel where I belong, I ask god to give me direction of where I should, lead me to someone that will care and love, I pray that God give me out of my dark hole I was surround in everyday, and even though what happen to my family was a disaster and I was hurting about my family, god answers my prayers, I got to be a very wonderful guy, I had to back home got in trouble but Dakota helped them leave me alone, I'm able to hang out with Dakota I feel like I become part of the family with mom and dad, me and Dakota both go back to church and getting to be part of events again, and here tonight what ever Dakota is going thru he really is trying to make it real, I really do feel for but I didn't feel the know that he be forever like I did with Daniel.
So after the concert ended apparently for king and country had such a good time with us and since it was Christmas date together for a Christmas gift from to us was we can get to desserts and it was on them buying as a gift, me and Dakota are eating our desserts in silence just wrapping everything tonight has happen I don't why I kissed him i just in the heat of the moment but it felt like I was best kiss ever like to stop so silence came upon us I've gotten so full this big bowl of hot fudge sundae is giving a stomach and headache and that not good I looked at the time on my phone and seen its 11:00 that means we got to getting going soon and we still need to open our gifts so I spoke up first and said are u having a good time? He said I am I have very good time tonight, I said we need to open our gifts we got to leave soon, are you finished with your dessert cause I know if I eat another bite I will eat for month, he smiled and gave a little laugh, he said yeah I'm finished let's open our gifts he lead me over on balcony by Christmas tree and he said remember I few days ago I had Austin grab you gift that was for me this is why he said so we can see our gift under the moon, our face glowing from the Christmas lights thanking god for our savior the greatest gift of all time, so I hope the gifts are amazing as our savior, I said amen, Dakota handed his gift to me first and said you first cause I got you two gifts the other one is the big gift to you I said ok, I unwrapped my gift and seen it was a little slip of paper that had a number and then under it was a blanket, he said this is Daniel number i figured that be a nice gift both you to see each other a few minutes on Christmas after you seen each other, I couldn't believe did that for me, I said I love it thank you, I handed him his gift and said I couldn't get two for you but it very nice as a big gift he smiled said no worry's you being here with me tonight is the greatest gift of tonight, he opened his gift I had mom design  a bracelet of a picture of us together and wrap around the bracelet best friend forever and start of a begining that change forever with hearts. He looked up at me with tears in his eyes and said this beautiful I love it look under the paper he pulled a long paper out, I said I wrote a song about us, he said sing it to me, I said I don't know about that I'm a terrible singer I just want you to look it over and just know that how I feel about us, he said please sing it to me, I grabbed the paper and sang for him when I finished the song for him he was holding his out to me and said well can I have this dance, wherever you are I be with you. I grabbed his hand he pulled me to him and said you have a wonderful voice and you gave the greatest gift I have ever gotten thank you, we danced slowly singing my song together quietly to each other, he said here you other gift it was in a velvet box I opened it I was stainless steel diamond ring that says best friend forever I love and care as long as I live be my friend forever my one and only, he said it's a friendship ring I hope you like I made the diamond green your favorite color, I said it beautiful thank you it have it forever we looked at the lights over the town one last time before he put my coat and being me back to my family knowing even if it be something more between us it not meant to be friends forever through the good and bad.
He held my hand to my door at midnight as my parents opened the door I said thank you for tonight see you in a couple weeks  he kissed the top my hand and walked his care and left I told my parents good night and love them I will tell them about what happened  tomorrow, I'm very tired, they said that fine sweetie see you in the morning after tossing and turning I looked at my clock seen it was 2 in the morning and I do what I do best in the dark talk to my one and only and pick up the number Dakota giving and I heard it ringing I was about to hang up thinking was probably when I heard my favorite person said hello on the end and my heart came alive more then ever.

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