chapter 34

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Daniels pov
As I picked up my phone at two it like god answers my prayer, I said hello waiting for whoever to talk back and I'm glad I didn't hang up because I heard the voice of the angel because this my angel she said hey Daniel, how it's going? I'm shocked out kind of how she calling me right now but not gonna turn this down it been a year and still wait for her, I said alright, how about you, she said it been better if i not back here, I said what going on just my family always making my life about them and then I finally realize why, why I said, she said when Dakota talk to you after he took me to bring here did you why, we only briefly and he said that he had to being you back to parents there a problem that be with them but you wait until she 24 you get to be back with and you can live the rest of your years together and said is that deal, and said I waiting this for her I don't mind waiting a few more years, so said deal, Stella said the reason I had back because when my parents adopted me that made where I was incompetent and they supposed to take care of me and learn me until I'm 24 that when the judge at that time says I'm legally a normal young women that can take care, unless my parents still fight to make longer so Dakota made deal with me and you if I come back and act like if he found and like we take date and my 24th birthday he take me to the courthouse to verify that am able take care of myself before my family can do something to me longer and we said back to you, so she said he didn't tell the full story but brief like you said but where we do get back together, I'm shocked to the least of why parents would this to her but they only adopted her and they love her that much they not ready to let her go yet, I said have you discuss with your parents that you getting older that what a life but you still be for them, she yes and that just start fights so have to do it that why and probably distroy them pretty where never to be around me again but it just wanting to have my own life and what to spend it with you, I said I understand but your right your parents will never want to speak to you again, she said they have to see I be fine they raise me well but I have another I like to succeed in life and I can't do that when want me most my life and god opens a new door everyday he helps fight our battles and if it happens that parents what nothing to do with me after I do that issue on my 24 birthday so be it because I finally do what I need to in life with god beside and if they to learn to forgive like it says in the bible be reunite again in our life but it's up to them I love my family very much she says but there only so much you live in that position, she speaking so true if parents where still around we probably have same problems as her because parents are scared of losing there kids but they don't realize that we you keeping them like that no way of knowing life it hurts the kid as much as the parents because its a parents good to love them no matter what you can of them and as they get older you them to become what they want to be help them manged the life without parents, let there kids date, maybe get broken hearts a few times but that part of learning and when you got the real overprotective parents that want them with them til they die that affects the children because they be able to know how to be on there own because they parents was doing it all for them, Stella are still there you got quiet, I'm sorry Stella was just thinking it through, it cool she my life is always something that time thinking because always alot involves my life, it ok Stella we all troubles in life one day when back with me for good we got all time to more about each other, I'm shocked that you be able to call me right, she said they don't about but that ok I don't them to break us apart, but she said I finally a phone again and tonight me and Dakota had a Christmas date together because he not going with us on Christmas because he has mom and brothers and what not a job, college so yeah he made it when we each once a week today the day we had to celebrate, and one the gift he give me was your number and a blanket we happen to go somewhere to spend time with each other, he did well he don't so had then, she said he not I known a long time but I decide to call you to let you know I think you everyday and pray God that he protect you and we will able to be together again, I wouldn't other way I be waiting and since you my number again I'm only a number away anytime you want to talk I'm here, she said that nice we keep it a secret but I really want to talk you alot now since I have your number til we face to face again, no problem beautiful I'm not going no where, me neither, by the way what was that Christmas date like? She said very nice it was a shame we still have to wait for us to have together, then she I'm tired I'm going get off here thank you for picking up your phone its the best 2 am night my life and we laughed I said ok get some sleep call or text whenever you want, goodnight Stella, she said good night.
As I hung up the phone I thank God for the phone call and hope it really is meant to be between us and I feel to great sleep that night.

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