chapter 8

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I got to the hospital and went to the women and the desk explain why I was there and, who I was , she said have a seat the doctor be out shortly to talk to you about what happen, I said thank you and sat down and prayed and prayed they be ok, about and hour sitting there a guy came through the doors and asked if my name was Stella Johnson, I said yes sir, he said my name is Connor Daniel's I'm your family doctor, I said are they ok? What happen to them? He told me they where in a bad car wreck a semi truck hit them as they where coming on the interstate 142 from an exit, he said glass cut them everywhere,and your mom hit her head on the windshield, and your grandma name is Kelly Arnold correct? I said yes sir, since she already had a bad stroke and paralyze on her whole right side, she may not be able to walk at all anymore, because to was jammed next to the door of the vehicle and the semi truck, I said oh my! Did she get out ? He said the the ambulance workers got her out, and your father arm is broke and got his ribs broke but I think he be ok, I asked if I can see my mom, mamaw and my dad? He said your mom and mamaw is in intensive care unit, but you can see your father he's asleep, he told me what room he was in and the Dr walked off to take care of another patient, I went to my father room, he was bruised pretty bad and had a cast around his arm, I sat down next to him, I said dad what happen? How did this had to happen to you guys, you guys are everything to me, I'm blessed you are my family,  I'm sorry this had to happen to you guys, I may have my doubts about you guys loving me, bit I love you guys, I know we may fight, but what family don't fight, I prayed over him and prayed that him and my mom and mamaw will make it out ok, I went back to the waiting room for more information about my family I was hurt, and scared, and as I fell asleep I was praying everything in me for a healthy family to come back to me.

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