63-Two Pink Lines

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A/N: Obviously the way that this song ends is not what happens with Ross and Kailey. Decided to keep this surprise of Kailey's pregnancy between her and Ross just for a little bit. Hope you all enjoy!!

Song title inspiration: Two Pink Lines-Eric Church

                                My Lobster 🦞
*This conversation is at 10:00 am that morning*
Kailey💋: Hey babes. I talked to Dr. Karissa on the phone and I got an appointment made.
Ross 💙: Hey cutie. That's good. What time is the appointment for?
Kailey💋: It is scheduled for 2:00 this afternoon. Did you want to come with me?
Ross💙: Of course I want to come join you. I gotta know what's been keeping my girl so sick this past week.
Kailey💋: Awww! You are the sweetest. There isn't anyone else I would want to be there with me. What time will you be back here?
Ross💙: Awww you are making me blush. I'll be back at 12:30 so I have plenty of time.
Kailey💋: Okie dokie! That also gives me time to take a shower and get ready then. I'll see you at 12:30 then.
Ross💙: Perfect. I'll see you then!
             End of text conversation
While her husband is out of the house this gives Kailey plenty of time to take a pregnancy test.

 I'll see you then!                   End of text conversation While her husband is out of the house this gives Kailey plenty of time to take a pregnancy test

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————————-Time jump————>
                   After the appointment
*talking conversation with Ross*
Ross: I am speechless
Kailey: I am too. I can't believe that we are having a baby!
Ross: Ugh I love you so much 😘😘
Kailey: I love you too! 😘😘
Ross: When did you want to tell the family?
Kailey: I was thinking after the wedding for Ryland and Hayley. I definitely do not want to take the spotlight from them.
Ross: That works for me. Same I definitely don't want to do that to them. What are you going to do about your dress?
Kailey: We go to our last fitting tomorrow so I'll speak to the lady doing alterations privately.
Ross: That'll be smart. I'm sure she will make the dress the perfect size for you and our baby 😍😍
Kailey: Definitely. I still can't believe this is happening. 😍😍

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