87- Happy Mother's Day

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@Ross_Lynch I want to say Happy Mother's Day to the two women in my life

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@Ross_Lynch I want to say Happy Mother's Day to the two women in my life. Not enough words can describe how amazing these women are. 💗
Tagged: @StormieLynchR5 @KaileyGLynch
Liked by @LauraMarano and 34,683 others
@user1 insert teary eyes this is so cute
@KaileyGLynch Life with you is ALWAYS AMAZING!! I love you so much. ❤️🥰
@user2 Great pictures!
@StormieLynchR5 Awww...my sweet Ross! I thank God for letting me be your mama! 💗😘😍
@user3 I can't wait for baby girl Lynch to be here
@KiernanShipka Happy Mother's Day to you both (Mama Stormie and Kailey) @StormieLynchR5 @KaileyGLynch 💗💗
@user4 Happy Mother's Day!!
@QuinnShelt Congrats! ❤️
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my sweet Ross! I thank God for letting me be your mama! 💗😘😍@user3 I can't wait for baby girl Lynch to be here @KiernanShipka Happy Mother's Day to you both (Mama Stormie and Kailey) @StormieLynchR5 @KaileyGLynch 💗💗@user4 Happy Mother's Day!! ...

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@RikerLynch Happy Mother's Day to all of the mothers out there but especially the two most important women in my life. My amazing mother Stormie and my beautiful wife Aubrey. I hope that you both have a wonderful day. 💗❤️
Tagged: @StormieLynchR5 @Aubrey.Lynch
Liked by @itsjennaA and 30, 528 others
@Ross_Lynch ^^Copycat 😂😂 jk jk
   @RikerLynch EXCUSE ME?!? 😂😂
@user1 the fact that the boys are already aggravating each other in the comments is sending me.
@Aubrey.Lynch Thank you so much my love! I love you oh so much. 😘💛🍯
   @user2 even her emoji choices are adorable
@StormieLynchR5 Thank you honey! I am so thankful that I get to be your mama. ❤️
@DarrenCriss Happy Mother's Day Stormie and Aubrey! Hope that you both have a fabulous day!!
      @user4 ^^ Hi Darren...aka Blaine "Warbler" #Gleek4Life
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