10-Ross the Party Planner?

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                                            The Austin Moon fan club 🌙 

Ross💙:That's the name we are going with? 

           Riker🤘🏻:Bro it's perfect for us 

                              Rocky🍻:Sorry Ross I agree with Riker on this one 😂😂 

         Ryland🎶:I mean it is pretty true tho 😂 

Ross💙: Mhmm sure it is. Anyways...I've already been coming up with a few options for Ryland's bachelor party. 

                   Riker🤘🏻:Are they good ideas tho Ross? 😂😂 

                                   Ross💙:That wasn't very nice 

Rocky🍻:Damn Riker what's turned you into a savage this morning? 

                    Ryland🎶:Well tell me what your ideas are Mr. Party Planner 

Ross💙:See someone appreciates me, thank you baby bro. I was thinking we could get some box seats to a Kings game here in LA or if you wanted to go out to Vegas we could go to a hockey game out there. 

                    Ryland🎶: I do like hockey and playing poker 👌🏻 

Rocky🍻:Okay Ross I see you 👀 

Riker🤘🏻:Who would have thought that Ross would be the party planner out of all of us?! 

                          Ross💙:Rydel said that she was planning a road trip with the girls for Hayley's bachelorette party. 

             Rocky🍻:Leave it to Rydel to make it over the top 

                                    Riker🤘🏻:True she's way more EXTRA than we are when it comes to parties 

Ryland🎶:Lol she definitely is. She's probably that way for having to put up with us her whole life 😂 

            Ross💙:Did you want to be out in Vegas at the same time as your soon to be bride? 

                          Ryland🎶:Nah we can let the girls have fun out there. I'm good with staying here local in LA

                Rocky🍻:Taking one for the team already I see 

Riker🤘🏻:Alright Ross the boss what else you got planned? 

Ross💙:Whatta great nickname 😂. After the game we could go out to a nice dinner with a group of our friends and then come back to the house for drinks. 

               Ryland🎶:Yo that sounds great. I'm so down for that 👌🏻

Rocky🍻:I'm impressed Ross 😂😂 

                Riker🤘🏻:For real though, great job buddy 

Ross💙:Is there anyone else that you wanted to invite Ryland? 

       Ryland🎶:That's a tough question. I would probably want to ask Dad, Ellington, and maybe see if Harry wanted to come. 

         Riker🤘🏻:Those are good choices bro 

                      Rocky🍻:Same. I felt like we haven't really had anytime to hang out with Harry a whole lot since he's been back and forth to London 

                                   Ross💙:So......Who's ready to Partayyyy? 

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