Chapter 2

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Magdalena's POV:

"Okay, now go out there and get to training". Emma had now finished the meeting and everyone was going to go to the changing room to get ready to head out.

Sam stands up and walks to the door, she looks back and smiles softly before walking out.

Pernille and I stay and wait till everyone's gone and then Emma comes up to us and turns a chair around so she's sat in front of us.

"Okay, so how do you want to tell the team"?

"I think after training Sam should go outside and we hold a meeting and then tell the team everything".

"Okay, that sounds good and simple enough. Now go train and be your normal selves". We nod and head to go train.

Training outside goes well and we are told to head to the gym for the other half of the training day.

We are put into pairs to go around the gym course and I'm with Hanna. I look to see Pernille is paired with Sam. I feel bad for her but oh well. Then I see the goalkeepers are working on their arms when the goalkeeper coach, Stuart whispers to Sam and she walks away.

I excuse myself from Hanna and go after Sam.

"Hello"? I look around the corner to see Sam on the phone in the reception area.

"Yes, this is she. Who is this"? Whoever it is must have done something bad as Sam just hangs up the phone and turns around to see me standing there.

"Who was it"?

Sam answers coldly "Vlatko".

"Vlatko Andonovski"? Sam nods and walks away to the changing room. Confused, I follow Sam into the changing room to see her grabbing her stuff.

"Sam". She ignores me.

"Sam". I walk closer to her.

"What, Mags"? I barely hear her as she mumbles out her words.

"What are you doing"? Sam sits at her cubby and looks down.

"I don't know. I just don't get why he's ringing me again. He's rung me ten times in the past two weeks. I'm fed up with it".

"I know you are, but he really wants you on his team".

Sam stands up and grabs her stuff. "WELL I DON'T WANT TO BE ON HIS, DOESN'T HE GET THAT"! Sam then storms out and slams the door behind her. I chase out after her but stop when I see her get in her car and start it before speeding away.

I let out a big sigh and watch Sam drive off into the distance. I jump slightly when there's a hand on my shoulder.

I turn around to see Pernille standing behind me. "Oh, Hey".

"Vlatko again"? She asks which I nod.

"I might call him and tell him to back off". She smiles softly at me. "That might be a good idea".

"Yeah let's go see Emma about it". So that's what we did. We went to Emma and we went to a random room to talk to her in private. Emma also said that it seemed like a good thing to do.

Emma then wrote us Vlatko's number before she left the empty room we had gone in, so now it was just me and Pernille. I dialled the number and put it on speaker.

"Hello, who is this"?

"Hi is this Vlatko Andonovski"?

"Speaking, now who is this"?

"I'm Magdalena Eriksson and I'm also with Pernille Harder".

"Of course, May I ask why you're calling me"?

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