Chapter 4

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Sam's POV:

"Mags pass me the phone".

"Okay but unball your fists first". I look down to see both my fists are clenched tightly.

I took a deep breath and unclench my fists.

"Okay good now here you go". Mags gave me her phone and I took it off of the speaker.

"Hey, Jessie"?

"Uhh, hey Sam".

"What did Mal message you"?

"Ummm hold on I'll put you on speaker so I can read it".

"Yeah sure". I waited a few seconds.

"O-okay I've got the text".

"Okay read me what it says". I walk into my bedroom away from everyone.

"Mal put, Tell Sam to stop ignoring me and to message me back. I want to know why she turned Vlatko down. She should accept it if she ever wants a successful future".

"Wow, She said that"?

"Yeah she didn't say hi to me or ask how I'm doing. She didn't say please or thank you. We haven't even talked since she left UCLA in 2017 and this is the first message I get".

"Wow, I'm sorry Jessie. That's not right. I can't believe she hasn't talked to you in four years".

"Yeah it's okay it isn't your fault".

"Yeah but it's my fault she messaged you".

"No it isn't, you didn't make her message me did you"?

"I chuckled "No".

"Then everything's fine".


"Is everything okay with you, you've been off a lot lately".

"Yeah just been through a lot I guess".

"That's understandable I'm here if you want to talk".

"Thanks, Jess, I might take you up on that offer".

"Yeah. Tell me a time and place and I'll be there".

I think about it for a second. "Are you free tonight"?

"Yeah, I'm free all night".

"Cool, is 5 a good time for you"?

"Yeah 5 sounds good, I'll send you my address and number on your Instagram".

"Okay thanks, I'll see you later".

"Yeah, I'll see you later".



I hang up and walk back into the main area of the apartment and hand Mags her phone back.

"Hey, how was the talk with Jessie"? Mags asks.

"It was okay I guess. I'm gonna take a shower I feel disgusting".

"Yeah, you look disgusting". Sam responds.

I quickly grab a pillow and throw it at her and it hits her in the face. I laugh and walk to my bedroom and go into my bathroom and take a shower.

While I was in my shower I ended up thinking about everything that I've been through. Subconsciously, I turn the shower temperature down to the coldest setting and I sit down holding my legs.

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