Chapter 27

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Jamie's POV:

"We love you too, now go and enjoy your run". I said and we hung up. I instantly felt a whole lot better now that the panic was over and Sam was okay.

"Jess everything's okay. I'll tell you about it later". I say and watch her subtly nod in acknowledgement before crossing the ball to Janine who scores.

I continue watching Jessie's training for twenty minutes until they're done. Jessie walks over to me and I hand her, her bottle. "Thanks, babe". She says before taking a sip of her drink. "So what was the crisis that you solved"?

"Umm, Sam was feeling lost, like they were with the Dansby situation and was going to ruin their three months of sobriety". I tell her and hold her hand softly.

"What? Are they okay"? She asks and I nod.

"Yeah, don't worry. They didn't drink and instead they're going on a run to hopefully clear their head".

"Okay that's good. Thank you for helping them, babe". Jessie says and kisses me softly. "Babe you don't need to thank me. I love you both so much and I will do anything to make sure you're both safe and happy". I tell her truthfully when we pull away slightly. Jessie then cuddles into me and mumbles into my chest. "I love you, Jamie".

"I know you do babe". I whisper, holding her tight.

"Jeff, Jamie we need to get going"! Janine yells. I look over at her and nod. "Okay, we'll be right there". I tell her and Jessie pulls away slightly and holds my hand before we follow Janine to the bus to take us back to the hotel.

We all got on the bus and I sat next to the window and Jessie sat next to me, resting her head on my shoulder.

"You okay"? I whisper softly.

"Yeah, I just miss Sam so much". She whispers back.

"I know. We can call them when we get back if you want? Plus it might make them feel better as well". I whisper and Jessie nods.

"That sounds good". Jessie mumbles and a few minutes later her body gets heavier and her breathing slows down.

I tap the back of Janine's seat in front of me and she turns around looking at me confused.

"Is she asleep"? I whisper and she looks at Jessie and nods.

"Is she okay"? Janine whispers back.

"It's the first time we've all been apart. Sam's on the other side of the Country and we won't be able to meet with them until they get to Tokyo on the sixteenth of July". I explain and Janine smiles softly. "We're going to see if we can call Sam later though". I add and Janine nods.

"I'm here for you both if you need me".

"Thank you". I say and Janine smiles and turns back around while I look out the window waiting until we arrive at the hotel.

Sam's POV:

*Ring Ring* *Ring Ring*

I stopped my run and pulled my phone out of my pocket to see Mal was calling me.

"Hey, Mally".

"Hey, where are you"?

"I went to a park and called Jamie. We talked for a little bit but then I went for a run. Why what's up"?

"No one knows where you are, we're about to have lunch and then have team bonding. You need to get back to the hotel".

"Okay, I'm on my way now". I tell her and hang up. I google the directions back to the hotel and find I'm about a fifteen-minute walk away but I know I can make it in less than half of that if I run. I start my stopwatch and run back to the hotel.

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