Chapter 15

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Mag's POV:

"Mags messaged us and told us we could come".

"That's not what I meant. Why are you here as in why are you in London"?

"You don't know"?

"Know what"?

"Mal we have both signed a deal with Manchester united. We've been here since September last year. How did you not know"?

"Dansby, he, uh, restricted my phone usage and he monitored it all".

"Oh Mal". Christen brought Mal in for a hug and Tobin joined them.

They pulled away from their hug and Tobin looked at Sam.

"Hey, Sam".

"Hey Tobin, You okay"?

"Uhh, yeah I'm good. Thanks for keeping mal safe". Tobin said smiling. Sam smiled back. "It's no problem, she's my little sister I'll always look after her".

"I'm sorry you can't be at the next camp now". Christen said.

"It's fine. I'm just not looking forward to being fucking bored all the time". I hit Sam on the back of the head.

"Ayy, what was that for"!

"Watch your language". I said sternly.

"Yes, Mum". Sam replied pouting.

"You'll pull through it you're a strong player". Christen said smiling. Sam smiled back.

"Yeah, and you have good friends to help you". Pernille said.

"Wow, P didn't think I'd ever hear that come out of your mouth".

Pernille rolled her eyes. "Watch it you. You're lucky you're in hospital".

"Ohh tough P". Sam joked until Jessie hit them on the head.

"Owww, babe. Not you too".

"Behave". Jessie said with a stern face.

"Yes Babe". Sam pouted making Jessie smile. We were all were smiling until one of us broke into laughter and we all joined in.

Two Weeks Later:

It's the 1st of May and I'm still in the hospital, I started my physio for my walking and each day we've been doing more getting me back strong.

It's been very lonely as the girls had left for the first leg against Bayern Munich in the semi-final. Unfortunately, they came back home with a 2-1 loss but they have the second leg match tomorrow. And if they win with enough goals we can go through to the final.

The door to my room opens and in walks Dr, Paige.

"Oh no not now Hayden". I groan out.

"Yes now. Come on".

The next half an hour is spent with Hayden getting me to do my walking exercises. Every day I've been able to do more movement but also every day I feel myself getting weaker and more tired.

Once we finished Hayden helped me get back into my bed.

"Good job today Sam". I smile softly at her before closing my eyes and instantly falling asleep.

Mag's POV:

Pernille is currently driving Sam's Nissan Skyline and Jessie is in the back and I'm in the passenger seat. We've just finished training for the day and we are on our way to the hospital to check on Sam.

"Babe, did Nick ring you back yet"?

"Oh yeah he did and he said they will happily do it for Sam. He said it will either be finished today or tomorrow".

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