Chapter 6

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*Knock Knock*

"Hold on". I finish putting my outfit of the day on before heading to the door.

⬇Outfit ⬇

After I put the finishing touch which was my jacket on I open my bedroom door

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After I put the finishing touch which was my jacket on I open my bedroom door.

"Umm, Hey".

"Oh, hey Jess, Ummm, how did you get in here"?

"Oh Ummm, Sam let me in".

"Of course she did. Not to sound rude or anything but what are you doing here"?

Jessie looks like she's trying to figure out what to say and I can tell she's nervous as she is licking her lips more than normal and she's fiddling with her fingers.

"Hey, do you want to come in here and sit on my bed?" Jessie nods and walks in and I shut the door behind her. She goes and sits on my bed and I sit next to her.

"So what's up"?

"I, uh, I found your note".


"First off I'm so sorry".

"What are you sorry for"?

"For falling asleep on you".

"Jess, I don't care that you fell asleep on me. I'm glad that you did".

"Really? Why"?

"Because like I said in the note. You look cute when you sleep". Jessie blushes.

"And when you blush". Jessie blushes even more and hides her face in her hands.

"It's the truth you really are cute and you're an amazing person".

Jessie looks down and starts fiddling with her fingers again.

"Hey what is it? What's wrong"?

"It's just you know last night when you showed me the comments from Sam. K, Mags and Pernille on your Instagram"?


"Then you said for me not to worry as it wasn't a date".

"I think I know what you're going to say but yeah carry on".

"Well, I really wanted it to be a date. I've had a crush on you since I joined the team last year and I first saw you. I didn't want to say anything because we hadn't talked a lot. Yeah, we've had some good moments and conversations but we still don't really know each other enough. I also had no idea how you felt so I never said anything. But when you said that last night wasn't a date I got upset and knew that you definitely didn't like me".

"Jess". Jessie was now looking down at her lap. "Jess look at me". Jessie shook her head. "Jess please look at me". Once again Jessie shook her head. I put my fingers under her chin and lifted and tilted her head up to face me. "Jess it hurt me so much when I said that it wasn't a date. I really like you Jess I always have. I would have loved if last night could have been a date, apart from I wouldn't want you crying from learning about my past".

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