Chapter 22

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Sam's POV:

The ice bath goes fast and I'm soon in my hotel room.

"Mally we need to talk". I say grabbing her attention as I walk in.

"Sure, what's up"? She says and turns the TV off.

I walk over to the bed and sit down next to her.

"Mally we are all worried about you. You need to slow down with the case and you need to look after yourself more". Mal looks down avoiding eye contact with me.

"Mally we all love you and we are so worried". Mal nods and I lift her head to look at me.

"I love you so much Mally and I want you to be healthy and safe". She nods.

"I know and I'm sorry Sammy. I love you so much".

I nod and pull her into my arms. "Please try to sleep and eat more than you are. Okay"?

Mal nods and apologises again making me smile.

We get ready for bed after that and It doesn't take Mal long to fall asleep in my arms.

I message Kelley and tell her that she can come back to the room if she wanted to.

Not long later Kelley walked into the room and took a picture of us before she also got ready for bed.

"Is everything good"? She asks as she climbs into her bed.

I nod. "Yep, everything's good Squirrel. We talked and She's going to look after herself more".

"That's good". She says and I nod.

Kelley turns her light out and it doesn't take us long before we both fall asleep.

The Next Morning:

Kelley's alarm wakes me up and I look around to see Kelley still passed out asleep on her bed and Mal was still cuddled in my arms asleep.

I stroked Mal's arm slowly waking her up. She smiled and yawned before stretching.

"Morning Sammy". She said.

"Morning Mally. How did you sleep"?

"I slept very well. The best sleep I've had in a while".

"That's good". Mal gets up first and goes into the bathroom to shower.

While Mal is in the shower I chose what I'm going to wear for the day.

Once I've chosen my outfit for the day I decide to wake Kelley up.

I jump on top of her and she screams making me laugh.


"Morning Squirrel".

"Ughhhh, what time is it"? She asks.

"Umm, about quart past six. Mal is in the shower at the minute".

"Okay. What time is your flight today"? She asks.

"7". I reply and she nods. Mal walks out of the bathroom dressed and I grab my clothes and go in.

When I get in the shower I think about everything that's happened in my life.

I can feel myself start to slip away when Jamie reaches out to me.

"Sam, fight it. Don't let it take over. Don't let us both get lost. If you can't handle it then let me take over".

I listen to Jamie and let them take control. 

Jamie's POV:

I take control and let Sam try to relax and win their side of the mental battle.

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