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A door opening woke me up from my sleep. "Kelley? Charlie"? I mumbled and tried moving my hand to feel for either of them but couldn't. I couldn't move my hand.

"Miss Hernández"? A voice I didn't recognise asked which also caused my eyes to shoot wide open.

"You are awake. How are you feeling"? I looked at the woman talking to me before glancing around the room.

"What? What's going on"?

"Why am I here"? I whispered.

"Dr Paige, please tell me what's going on"?

"How do you know my name"?

"From my accident four months ago. The one where I was on my motorbike and my sister's boyfriend, well now her ex-boyfriend crashed into me. I broke my right collarbone and damaged my spinal cord. Remember"?

"I'm going to be right back". I nodded and watched her leave.

"Stupid sling". I muttered trying to readjust it.

"Wait a minute". I looked down and saw my right arm in a sling. "Nope, this isn't real".

I shook my head thinking what I saw wasn't real but nothing changed.

"That's it, I need to get out of here".


"Woah. Easy there. I've got you, Miss Hernández".

"Dr Shepherd? Thanks for catching me. Please tell me what's going on and why doesn't Dr Paige remember me"?

"Let's get you back in bed first. You shouldn't be walking yet". He told me before helping me get back into the bed.

"You had surgery a while ago on your spine. But don't worry you'll be walking again soon".

"Why did I have surgery on my spine again"? Dr Shepherd looked at me confused before picking up a clipboard and flicking through it. "There's no mention of any past spinal injuries".

"Wait. Where's Jessie and Jamie? Where's both my partners"?

"Miss Fleming was by your side as much as she could but had to leave for a trip. And I don't think anyone named Jamie visited you".

"What are you talking about? And where's my ring"? I asked looking at my empty finger.

"We'll bring you your belongings so you can see if you can find your ring. Why don't you try and get some rest? Stress won't do you any good right now".

Dr Paige and Dr Shepherd both left and I once again looked around the familiar room. The chair I woke up to Mags and Jessie cuddled together, asleep. The chair next to them where Emma had slept. Then the chair next to my bed where Pernille should be on her phone. But no one was there. I was all alone.

I must be dreaming.


I looked at the bedside table, expecting to see my broken phone but instead, there was a different one with a note on it.

Your phone was smashed so we got you a new one. Everything should already be on it - Jessie.


What the fuck is going on? I'm back to after my crash but things are different this time. Why am I dreaming about this? I need to wake up. 

How do I wake up?

I turned the phone on and went onto my contacts to find Jessie's number. Once I found it I rang her multiple times but each time it went to her voicemail.

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⏰ Last updated: 6 days ago ⏰

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