Chapter 8

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"So how did the date go"? I looked right at Mags. "Ummm I think it went well".

"Oh. Did you two kiss"?

"No we nearly did but I didn't want to kiss on the first date".

"That's mature of you". I laugh.

"How much longer do we have"?

"The screen says about an hour".


"Stop complaining". Pernille mumbles from next to Mags. "It's not my fault I'm not comfy since my legs are squished. Now go back to sleep Princess Aurora". Mags laughs and Pernille flips me off.

"Babe go back to sleep and stop swearing at our child".

"Whatever". Pernille mumbles but falls back asleep.

"Has Mal or Vlatko tried contacting you recently"?

"No thankfully".

"You know they will eventually".

"Yeah and next time Vlatko does I'll agree".

"Really? Why"?

"Because I have no other choice. Unless I want to just stick with playing for a club my whole career".

"Why what about Spain"?

"A reporter contacted them about my alcohol addiction and none of the players wants me on the team anymore. I found out from the head coach the other day".

"What did they say"?

"They just said we would love to have you play for us but since the team found out about your alcohol addiction they don't want you on the team with them".

"Wow after all that time of you helping them win".

"Yeah but they were never nice to me and never hung out with me. If I let in a goal they would either punch me the number of goals I let in or they would mess with my stuff".

"Why did you never say anything to anyone"?

"I couldn't tell any of the staff as it would have been one against the rest of the team and I just didn't say anything as I didn't know if you would have believed me".

"Oh Sam of course I would have believed you and I would have tried to help".

"It's okay I'm not on that team anymore so it's fine". After I finish my sentence I yawn.

"Are you tired"?

"A little I was on the phone with Jessie all night. She fell asleep early but I couldn't so I just laid there awake".

"Okay try and get some sleep I'll wake you up when we're about to land".

"Okay night Mags".

"Night Sam". and with that I fell asleep.

An Hour Later:

I wake up to a kiss on my cheek and someone sat on my lap. "Sam wake up". I open my eyes to see Jessie which automatically makes me smile.

"Hey, Jess".

"Hi, did you sleep well"? I nodded.

"Good I'm glad. Mags told me you didn't get much sleep last night".

"Yeah, I don't know I just couldn't sleep". Jessie looks into my eyes and then whispers. "I know you're lying but if you don't want to talk about it where everyone can hear then that's fine, but please talk to me about it later okay"? I nod my head and Jessie smiles then she has to go back to her seat as we are about to land.

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