Chapter 2

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After another hour or so, (don't ask why it took an hour. I never knew Koby could give such bloody long speeches) I rushed out of the atrium. My legs were so cramped. As the entire gathering pooled out, we all met our parents, siblings, and friends.

Not having any siblings, only my parents were here. So was my aunt and cousin who was 19. I had another cousin who was 12, but she was too young to come for the job ceremony. My uncle would have come, if not for a teeny tiny setback called death.

We lost him when I was 10. My younger cousin, a girl named Lasana, was too small, whereas my other cousin who was 9 at the time, Shuman, felt it badly. To me it didn't make too much of a difference. I was never close to him anyway.

But we still never talked about it. Death before your optimal age...... was uncommon. Almost all infectious diseases were wiped out. Ebola, the last infectious outbreak before the war, was only wiped out 21 years ago. It was amazing how a virus could survive such deadly conditions. But no more about that.

My uncle died of a disease known as diabetes. I don't know much about it, but it is said to be a dangerous disease involving your pancreatic gland. It is said to be the only non-infectious disease left. But The System is working on irradiating it.

Back to the present. I hugged my parents, aunt, and Shuman. I don't know what he'll chose, but I'll find out next year.

As I said earlier, we could take a leisure skill from when we're 16. My main trait was detail. I noticed everything. So I hoped sorting and programming would be good. See, everybody has a main trait. Responsibility makes you an official. Detail makes you a sorter. Flexibility makes you a programmer. Of course, I mean flexibility of the brain. Logic makes you a scientist. Compassion makes you a volunteer, and so on. You can have all the traits, but the main trait is what you have the most of.

So my choice of leisure skill was obvious- creation. In creation, you create things. From special effects, to apartment designs, you can create. This has to match the System's data, to create the optimal living environment for each person. And the way to match it is to have a good eye for detail - which I do.

Food is not an issue. At the beginning of each week, everyone gets a customised menu. You're given breakfast in the morning, when you reach your school or place of work. Lunch is also given at that time.
You receive dinner after your free time in the evening.

People in the old age home have it easy. They can enjoy their life.

I take the tram back home. I start work next week.

As I go into my apartment, I first go to my neighbour- Manood Harvey's house. I call him M. I can say he's my best friend without any hesitation. His job ceremony was a few months ago. He got the job of his choice. More importantly, he got the same job as me- sorting and programming. He was the best programmer I knew.

The System needed us for everything. We were one of the most important people. Sorting data into respective cells. Programming all the things that kept us running.

I knocked on his door, almost dizzy with ecstasy. He opened the door, still in nightclothes. I giggled. No jobs were there today, as it was a job ceremony. His curly black hair stuck up a over the place. He was a good few inches taller than me, and his olive skin was very similar to mine.

"M, I GOT THE JOB!!" I screamed, hyper. His eyes lit up and we both laughed with joy. I let out a little scream when he hugged me and spun me around. My hair whirled around and he set me down.

"Congratulations!! Hey, now I'll be able to see you everyday!!" he said. I smiled. M is an AMAZING guy. We met when we were 13- no, 14. I don't remember my 13th year of life. Everyone says I fell sick for some reason, and I have no memory of that year.

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