Chapter 15

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Recap: "I love you. I may not have completely accepted this, and I'm confused. But I'm certain of one thing. I love you."

"I love you too."

"I'm right here on the couch. Don't worry."

"Alright." She says, exhausted.

I crash on the couch and immediately fall asleep. 


Selena's POV

I have a dreamless sleep. Thank goodness. The last thing I want now is dreams reminding me of that terrible day.

"Good Morning." I hear M say. "How're you doing?"

I take a deep breath. "I don't know. I honestly don't know. I don't know how I was able to wake up this early either."

Last night felt terrifying. When I regained my memories, I felt like I was back in that moment. I was trying to get back to the present, but I couldn't feel a thing. The scary thing was that I couldn't "come out" of those memories. It could have been Kinate in front of me yesterday instead of M and I wouldn't have realized; and that scares me.

"Are you sure you want to go to work? I can make up an excuse." M asks, concerned.

I nod my head determinedly. "I have to go to work. Not because they would get suspicious if I didn't turn up, but because I've to prove I'll be okay. I've to prove it to myself."

"Okay," says M, nodding his head. "But if anything goes wrong, we're getting you back home."

I shrug. I don't exactly know how to feel. I'm emotionally drained from yesterday, but this comforts me. I feel like I can actually function. But the emotions have not registered yet. When they do, that's when the challenge starts.

I guess I zoned out, because I see M waving his hand in front of me. "Selena? Oh good, you're listening. If that bastard Kinate does anything to you now, just tell me. I want to throw a brick at his face."

This makes me laugh. But I'm so tired that I can't get it out. "Please do. I shall be very grateful to you."

"My pleasure." Says M, bowing.

I try to smile, but then I realize what I have to do.

I'm going to have to face that asshole eventually. I take a deep breath, trying to calm down. The memories rise up again, and I have to get up and splash some extra cold water on my face to feel better.

Today's going to be a long day.

I walk up to the tram station, and board the tram just in time. Andrea smiles and says hello. I smile back and reply. It feels nice to see her. We talk, and soon, it feels like nothing happened yesterday. We get into the office and I immerse myself in my work. It feels good to actually be doing something. It doesn't stop hurting, but working numbs the pain. When it's lunchtime, I don't take my foil container.

"Aren't you hungry?" asks M.

"Nah. I'm not in the mood to eat." I say, shrugging. I'm probably going to throw up if I eat anything.

"Have something. You didn't even have a proper breakfast." He prods, concerned.

"Meh." I just say, and continue to work.

About an hour later, Garry comes to me. "Selena?"

I turn around.


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