Chapter 6

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"I hope you're not angry with me."

"For what?"

"For not telling you about Kinate. I didn't think you'd be exactly in the same office. I'm surprised that he's the CEO too. He's 2 years older than us but somehow was in the same class as us."

"Well, you're there, right? it's better than everything I could hope for."

We had reached M's apartment by now.

"Selena....." he trailed off.

We stood together for a minute, our bodies close- almost touching.

"Good night." I say with a smile and hug him. "Thanks for everything."

"You too, Selena. You too."


Thenext week passes in a blur. M and Andrea bond and we three usually hang out together when we have free time. On Friday, I get a real surprise.

"Ten hours? You expect me to finish this in ten hours? You said it was due on Thursday!" I exclaim at Garry. The project which he gave me included a complex sorting process, and a 7 page report. I had worked pretty hard on it, but I still had a lot to do.

"I understand, Selena, but the whole office is under pressure. Mr. Nashig has given this order himself."

This stops me dead in my tracks. I had become less suspicious, but this was something new.

"Why?" I ask.

"I don't know. Apparently our city council wants reports of everyone by Wednesday."

Oh wow. The city council. This is an amazing opportunity. Our city, fairly large with a population of about 1000 people, was one of the cities with the highest working population. They could be looking for political recruits.

They need people to run The System. Each city has a separate council, and if you serve enough time on it, you get to be on The Council. The body that runs the ENTIRE System. Responsible for cleaning the Earth, the world's economy, to keep peace in general.

It's a huge honour to be selected, but I don't think they are recruiting. There would be a huge commotion if they were. Probably want to see if we're doing everything.

"I'll get to it." I say with a sigh. And I see the sorting programme on the screen, I smash my head on the desk.

This would not be fun.

Since everyone had extra work today, the working hours were extended. Finally, after 9 1/2 hours, I finish. Printing out the last couple of sheets, I file them and keep it on Garry's desk. I clear up and go to the tram.

M already left, but I meet Andrea on the platform.

"Hey," she yawns.


"I'm soo-" she drawls out the 'o' for 15 seconds straight. "Tired."

"Me too. I'm glad that tomorrow's a holiday."


We board the tram in silence. I see many exhausted faces.

Climbing the stairs, I open my apartment door and find a foil ware container in front of me. Opening it, I find that dinner is still warm.

Eating in darkness, since lights out was already called, I shovel through whatever was inside.

Changing my suit and literally crawling into bed, I fall asleep, grateful for tomorrow's holiday.

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