Let's go a little further with Yuki and her friends into adulthood shall we. Will Aiko come back to ruin her life or Will she marry Sasuke? Will she finally tell the world who she really is? Read the book to find out!
Through out the week we've been sight seeings, I took Yuki out to fancy restaurants and of course we've been making more love to each other than usual but hey... I'm not complaining...
Today we are suppose to be going to this barbeque place to eat since Yuki loves the places where she can fix her own food. Don't know why but she loves them...
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{The place looks like this}
"Hey babe are you ready to-" I said while looking her way and then she turned to me and my heart stopped... Litterly
She had her hair curled not the big and not the small curles but the just right curles you know what I mean the sexy curles
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(Picture it as a really dark brown)
Then the outfit she wore topped it all off together.
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She was just so.... Oh my god!... Damn she was sexy... I couldn't believe that that's the women I'm spending the rest of my life with..