Let's go a little further with Yuki and her friends into adulthood shall we. Will Aiko come back to ruin her life or Will she marry Sasuke? Will she finally tell the world who she really is? Read the book to find out!
A few days later we had a meeting with Mai to talk more about or wedding and let me tell you I was so excited I even put this on ⬇
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You guys know I hate the color pink but as long as its not Sakura's hair color I can accept it... That sounded so dumb I'm gonna shut up.
"Babe let's go Your sister is waiting inside." Sasuke said while parking the car.
Since were meeting my sister she told us to go to a cafe so she can have some coffee... Yep Mai has changed for the better but I don't really like cafes but since she wanted coffee we had to come here no discussion....
I get out the car and Sasuke does as well locking it he walks up to me and puts his arms around my waist walking with me into the cafe.
"Sis! Sasuke! Over here!" She yelled we walked over to her table and she looks dead at us and we lean back at bit.
"Where were you? I told you guys to be here before me!" Mai yelled
"Oh come on sis were adults we had other stuff to do and plus you know we just moved in together we were just unpacking." I said and a waiter comes up to us.
"Are you guys ready to order?" She asked and she looks at Sasuke and her eyes widened and I noticed this right away.
"Hey! Miss My husband would like a cup of black coffee. And I would like some coffee as well if you guys have iced then I'll have that with a croissant." I said while looking at the menu.
"Make that two." Sasuke said
"Can you make that three I want another one." Mai said and she nods and walks away blushing.
"Okay so what type of wedding are you looking for rustic, seasonal, beach, indoor or outdoor anything specific?" Mai asked
"Um well I wanted the ceremony outdoors and the reception indoors." Sasuke said while looking at me and I nod in agreement.
"That doesn't sound so bad." I said
"Okay...okay." Mai muttered while writing stuff down in her journal.
"And how about we look for photos that'll help because I don't really know what style." I said and Sasuke nods I pulled out my phone and searched up pictures with Sasuke and we eventually saw one that caught our eyes making us both smile. And we showed Mai the two pictures.
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